Associations to the word «Constriction»


CONSTRICTION, noun. The act of constricting, the state of being constricted, or something that constricts
CONSTRICTION, noun. A narrow part of something; a stricture
CONSTRICTION, noun. A compression

Dictionary definition

CONSTRICTION, noun. A narrowing that reduces the flow through a channel.
CONSTRICTION, noun. Tight or narrow compression.
CONSTRICTION, noun. A tight feeling in some part of the body; "he felt a constriction in her chest"; "she felt an alarming tightness in her chest"; "emotion caused a constriction of his throat".
CONSTRICTION, noun. The action or process of compressing.

Wise words

Words, words, words! They shut one off from the universe. Three quarters of the time one's never in contact with things, only with the beastly words that stand for them.
Aldous Huxley