Associations to the word «Conforming»


CONFORM, verb. (intransitive) (of persons) (often followed by to) To act in accordance with expectations; to behave in the manner of others, especially as a result of social pressure.
CONFORM, verb. (intransitive) (of things, situations, etc.) To be in accordance with a set of specifications or regulations, or with a policy or guideline.
CONFORM, verb. (transitive) To make similar in form or nature; to make suitable for a purpose; to adapt.

Dictionary definition

CONFORM, verb. Be similar, be in line with.
CONFORM, verb. Adapt or conform oneself to new or different conditions; "We must adjust to the bad economic situation".

Wise words

Words are always getting conventionalized to some secondary meaning. It is one of the works of poetry to take the truants in custody and bring them back to their right senses.
William Butler Yeats