Associations to the word «Conformal»


CONFORMAL, adjective. Such that it conforms, especially that matches the shape of something.
CONFORMAL, adjective. (maths) Such that all angles between intersecting curves remain unchanged.
CONFORMAL, adjective. (cartography) Of a map projection, preserving relative angles over small scales, except at a limited number of distinct points. On such map projections the scale depends only location but not direction. Also referred to as orthomorphic.
CONFORMAL MAPPING, noun. (mathematics) A mapping, between points of one coordinate system and another, in which the angles of intersection between pairs of curves are preserved
CONFORMAL OPTICS, noun. (optics) A method of designing optical systems in which the conformation of the lenses is chosen to optimize its interaction with the local environment

Wise words

Man is a creature who lives not upon bread alone, but principally by catch words.
Robert Louis Stevenson