Associations to the word «Coffered»

Pictures for the word «Coffered»


COFFER, noun. A strongbox: a strong chest or box used for keeping money or valuables safe.
COFFER, noun. (architecture) An ornamental sunken panel in a ceiling or dome; a caisson.
COFFER, noun. A cofferdam.
COFFER, noun. A supply or store of money, often belonging to an organization.
COFFER, noun. A trench dug in the bottom of a dry moat, and extending across it, to enable the besieged to defend it with raking fire.
COFFER, verb. (transitive) To put money or valuables in a coffer
COFFER, verb. (transitive) To decorate something, especially a ceiling, with coffers.

Dictionary definition

COFFER, noun. An ornamental sunken panel in a ceiling or dome.
COFFER, noun. A chest especially for storing valuables.

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