Associations to the word «Cram»


CRAM, noun. The act of cramming.
CRAM, noun. Information hastily memorized; as, a cram from an examination.
CRAM, noun. A warp having more than two threads passing through each dent or split of the reed.
CRAM, verb. (transitive) To press, force, or drive, particularly in filling, or in thrusting one thing into another; to stuff; to crowd; to fill to superfluity.
CRAM, verb. (transitive) To fill with food to satiety; to stuff.
CRAM, verb. (transitive) To put hastily through an extensive course of memorizing or study, as in preparation for an examination.
CRAM, verb. To study#Verb hard; to swot.
CRAM, verb. To make crude preparation for a special occasion, as an examination, by a hasty and extensive course of memorizing or study.
CRAM, verb. To eat greedily, and to satiety; to stuff.
CRAM SCHOOL, noun. A specialised school that trains students to meet particular goals, most commonly to pass the entrance examinations of high schools or universities.
CRAM SCHOOLS, noun. Plural of cram school
CRAM SESSION, noun. An intense period of study, sometimes all night before a critical exam.

Dictionary definition

CRAM, verb. Crowd or pack to capacity; "the theater was jampacked".
CRAM, verb. Put something somewhere so that the space is completely filled; "cram books into the suitcase".
CRAM, verb. Study intensively, as before an exam; "I had to bone up on my Latin verbs before the final exam".
CRAM, verb. Prepare (students) hastily for an impending exam.

Wise words

The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do.
Thomas Jefferson