Associations to the word «Cardinalate»
- Pius
- Prefect
- Archbishop
- Cardinal
- Xii
- Pope
- Clement
- Legate
- Xiii
- Benedict
- Boniface
- Schism
- Deacon
- Cesare
- Richelieu
- Congregation
- Patriarch
- Papacy
- Elevation
- Xvi
- Giacomo
- Pietro
- Viii
- Vatican
- Primate
- Nephew
- Jesuit
- Vi
- Giovanni
- Sacrament
- Vicar
- Xi
- Leo
- Canon
- Bishop
- Regent
- Priest
- Appointment
- Rome
- Carlo
- Iv
- Rite
- Francesco
- Gregory
- Eugene
- Quarrel
- Death
- Urban
- Church
- Promotion
- Ix
- Clergy
- Abbot
- Paul
- Diocese
- Decree
- Santa
- Milan
- Iii
- Alexander
- Secretary
- Maria
- Title
- Punishment
- February
- Ii
- Honor
- Discipline
- San
- Relation
- Marriage
- December
- Charity
- Raise
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CARDINALATE, noun. The dignity and ecclestiastic office of Roman Catholic cardinal.
CARDINALATE, noun. Collective term for the cardinals.
Dictionary definition
CARDINALATE, noun. Cardinals collectively.
Wise words
We should have a great fewer disputes in the world if words
were taken for what they are, the signs of our ideas only,
and not for things themselves.