Associations to the word «Elevate»


ELEVATE, verb. (transitive) To raise (something) to a higher position; to lift.
ELEVATE, verb. (transitive) To promote (someone) to a higher rank.
ELEVATE, verb. (transitive) To ennoble or honour/honor (someone).
ELEVATE, verb. (transitive) To lift someone's spirits; to cheer up.
ELEVATE, verb. (transitive) To increase the intensity of something, especially that of sound.
ELEVATE, verb. (dated) (colloquial) (humorous) To intoxicate in a slight degree; to render tipsy.
ELEVATE, verb. (obsolete) (Latinism) To lessen; to detract from; to disparage.
ELEVATE, adjective. (obsolete) Elevated; raised aloft.

Dictionary definition

ELEVATE, verb. Give a promotion to or assign to a higher position; "John was kicked upstairs when a replacement was hired"; "Women tend not to advance in the major law firms"; "I got promoted after many years of hard work".
ELEVATE, verb. Raise from a lower to a higher position; "Raise your hands"; "Lift a load".
ELEVATE, verb. Raise in rank or condition; "The new law lifted many people from poverty".

Wise words

Occasionally in life there are those moments of unutterable fulfillment which cannot be completely explained by those symbols called words. Their meanings can only be articulated by the inaudible language of the heart.
Martin Luther King Jr.