Associations to the word «Adulterate»
- Fda
- Starch
- Flour
- Ingredient
- Liquor
- Poison
- Scowl
- Poultry
- Cocaine
- Mustard
- Substance
- Grease
- Vinegar
- Drug
- Food
- Render
- Precaution
- Oil
- Juice
- Milk
- Urine
- Product
- Meat
- Pathogen
- Butter
- Marijuana
- Fraud
- Commerce
- Slang
- Selling
- Sugar
- Wine
- Lust
- Sale
- Potato
- Scandal
- Bread
- Coffee
- Manufacture
- Paragraph
- Inspection
- Mixture
- Beef
- Odor
- Manufacturer
- Quality
- Supplement
- Sample
- Chemical
- Pepper
- Dairy
- Seed
- Cow
- Drink
- Penalty
- Grain
- Quantity
- Tea
- Tobacco
- Consumer
- Baker
- Enforcement
- Rice
- Coin
- Consumption
- Sell
- Article
ADULTERATE, adjective. Tending to commit adultery.
ADULTERATE, adjective. Corrupted; impure; adulterated.
ADULTERATE, verb. To corrupt.
ADULTERATE, verb. To spoil by adding impurities.
ADULTERATE, verb. To commit adultery.
ADULTERATE, verb. To defile by adultery.
Dictionary definition
ADULTERATE, verb. Corrupt, debase, or make impure by adding a foreign or inferior substance; often by replacing valuable ingredients with inferior ones; "adulterate liquor".
ADULTERATE, adjective. Mixed with impurities.
Wise words
Words, like nature, half reveal and half conceal the soul