Associations to the word «Abenaki»


ABENAKI, proper noun. An Algonquian First People from northeastern North America, mainly Maine and Quebec. [early 18th century]
ABENAKI, proper noun. A complex of Eastern Algonquian lects, originally spoken in what is now Maine, and Quebec, divided into Western Abenaki and Eastern Abenaki (Penobscot). [early 20th century]
ABENAKI, proper noun. (in particular) The Western Abenaki language.
ABENAKI, noun. A member of this Algonquian First People. [early 18th century]
ABENAKI, noun. .
ABENAKI, adjective. Related or pertaining to the Abenaki people or language. [early 19th century]

Dictionary definition

ABENAKI, noun. A member of the Algonquian people of Maine and southern Quebec.

Wise words

Words are cheap. The biggest thing you can say is 'elephant'.
Charlie Chaplin