Associations to the word «Zest»
- Lemon
- Enjoyment
- Relish
- Cinnamon
- Vanilla
- Raisin
- Flavour
- Cebu
- Zeal
- Eagerness
- Freshness
- Gaiety
- Airway
- Appetite
- Garlic
- Ingredient
- Juice
- Novelty
- Flavor
- Aroma
- Spice
- Bitter
- Peel
- Pastime
- Vigor
- Grandeur
- Honda
- Enthusiasm
- Sauce
- Joanne
- Pleasure
- Palate
- Almond
- Toil
- Scramble
- Adventure
- Sugar
- Excitement
- Mirth
- Dessert
- Flour
- Amusement
- Recipe
- Unison
- Mango
- Pepper
- Ginger
- Gamble
- Anticipation
- Satisfaction
- Onion
- Joy
- Yeast
- Butter
- Swap
- Humor
- Thrill
- Beverage
- Dish
- Pursuit
- Filling
- Delight
- Living
- Indulgence
- Paste
- Gratitude
- Fruit
- Curiosity
- Fresh
ZEST, noun. The outer skin of a citrus fruit, used as a flavouring or garnish.
ZEST, noun. (by extension) Enthusiasm; keen enjoyment; relish; gusto.
ZEST, noun. The woody, thick skin enclosing the kernel of a walnut.
ZEST, verb. (cooking) To scrape the zest from a fruit
ZEST, verb. To make more zesty
Dictionary definition
ZEST, noun. Vigorous and enthusiastic enjoyment.
ZEST, noun. A tart spicy quality.
ZEST, verb. Add herbs or spices to.
Wise words
The pen is mightier than the sword.