Associations to the word «Waterwheel»
- Bellow
- Mill
- Axle
- Turbine
- Windmill
- Diameter
- Machinery
- Pump
- Furnace
- Sawmill
- Aqueduct
- Forge
- Uplift
- Weathering
- Wildfire
- Valence
- Pumping
- Microbiology
- Wheel
- Wide
- Welding
- Fitz
- Corn
- Irrigation
- Weeks
- Weasel
- Paddle
- Shaft
- Grinding
- Woodpecker
- Hammer
- Blast
- Gear
- Pond
- Burr
- Grind
- Breast
- Warbler
- Variance
- Wolverine
- Pit
- Finch
- Waterfall
- Cough
- Bucket
- Invention
- Shear
- Drove
- Uranium
- Flour
- Wasp
- Fern
- Vapor
- Electricity
- Vaccine
- Wetland
- Grain
- Weaver
- Generator
- Cast
- Pair
- Water
- Watershed
- Nile
- Dam
- Engine
- Stream
- Waste
- Ox
- Canal
- Roller
- Willow
WATERWHEEL, noun. Alternative spelling of water wheel
WATERWHEEL PLANT, noun. An endangered carnivorous aquatic plant, Aldrovanda vesiculosa, which is the sole extant species of the Aldrovanda genus.
Dictionary definition
WATERWHEEL, noun. A wheel with buckets attached to its rim; raises water from a stream or pond.
WATERWHEEL, noun. A wheel that rotates by direct action of water; a simple turbine.
Wise words
Man is a creature who lives not upon bread alone, but
principally by catch words.