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Associations to the word «Vestibule»


VESTIBULE, noun. (architecture) A passage, hall or room, such as a lobby, between the outer door and the interior of a building. [from the 17th c.]
VESTIBULE, noun. (rail transport) An enclosed entrance at the end of a railway passenger car.
VESTIBULE, noun. ​(medicine) (anatomy) (by extension) Any of a number of body cavities, serving as or resembling an entrance to another bodily space. [from the 18th c.]
VESTIBULE, verb. (transitive) To furnish with a vestibule or vestibules.
VESTIBULE SCHOOL, noun. A schooling facility organised within an industrial plant to teach specific skills to trainee workers.
VESTIBULE SCHOOLS, noun. Plural of vestibule school
VESTIBULE TRAIN, noun. (railways) A train of passenger cars having the space between the end doors of adjacent cars enclosed, so as to allow the doors to be left open to provide for intercommunication between all the cars.

Dictionary definition

VESTIBULE, noun. A large entrance or reception room or area.
VESTIBULE, noun. Any of various bodily cavities leading to another cavity (as of the ear or vagina).

Wise words

Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with deeper meaning.
Maya Angelou