Associations to the word «Upper»


UPPER, adjective. At a higher level, rank or position.
UPPER, adjective. Situated on higher ground, further inland, or more northerly.
UPPER, adjective. (geology) (of strata or geological time periods) younger, more recent
UPPER, adjective. (education) Of or pertaining to a secondary school.
UPPER, noun. That which is higher, contrasted with the lower.
UPPER, noun. (shoemaking) The piece of leather, etc., that forms the top part of a shoe above the sole.
UPPER, noun. A stimulant such as amphetamine that increases energy and decreases appetite.
UPPER AIRWAY, noun. (anatomy) The part of respiratory tract consisting of nose, oral cavity, pharynx.
UPPER AIRWAY, noun. (anatomy) The part of respiratory tract consisting of nose, oral cavity, pharynx and epiglottis.
UPPER AIRWAY, noun. (anatomy) The part of respiratory tract consisting of nose, oral cavity, pharynx and larynx.
UPPER ARM, noun. (anatomy) The section of an arm from the elbow to the shoulder.
UPPER ARMS, noun. Plural of upper arm
UPPER ASIA, proper noun. In classical antiquity, the part of Asia separated from Asia Minor by the river Kızılırmak / Halys
UPPER ASSAM DIVISION, proper noun. One of the administrative divisions of the Republic of India.
UPPER CANADA, proper noun. (historical) A former British colony located in what is now southern Ontario.
UPPER CASE, noun. Collective term for the capital letters A, B, C, ... as opposed to the small letters a, b, c, ....
UPPER CHAMBER, noun. One of the two parts of a parliament in some countries.
UPPER CHAMBERS, noun. Plural of upper chamber
UPPER CLASS, noun. Those people at the top of a social hierarchy
UPPER CLASS, noun. The aristocracy
UPPER CLASSES, noun. Plural of upper class
UPPER CRUST, noun. Used other than as an idiom: see upper,‎ crust. The topmost layer of a bread, pastry dish, or other item with a hardened coating.
UPPER CRUST, noun. (idiomatic) (usually with the) The social elite, the highest social class.
UPPER CRUST, adjective. Alternative form of upper-crust
UPPER CRUSTS, noun. Plural of upper crust
UPPER CUT, noun. (boxing) Alternative spelling of uppercut
UPPER EGYPT, proper noun. (Egyptology) The part of Ancient Egypt south of Memphis, so named because the Nile flows south to north.
UPPER ESOPHAGEAL SPHINCTER, noun. (anatomy) The sphincter situated at the upper part of the esophagus.
UPPER EXTREME, noun. (mathematics): The largest or biggest number out of a data set, usually farther away from interquartile range.
UPPER GERMAN, noun. One of three major dialect groups of the German language; spoken primarily in southern Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Alsace, and South Tyrol; characterized by the shifts of Proto-Germanic -pp-, d- to -pf-, t-.
UPPER GERMAN, adjective. Of the Upper German dialects
UPPER HOUSE, noun. One of the two parts of a parliament in some countries.
UPPER HOUSES, noun. Plural of upper house
UPPER LEAF ZONE, noun. (botany) That part of a leaf and petiole that grows from an apical meristem.
UPPER LIMIT, noun. (analysis) The upper limit of a sequence of real numbers is the real number which can be found as follows: remove the first term of the sequence in order to obtain the "first subsequence." Then remove the first term of the first subsequence in order to obtain the "second subsequence." Repeat the removal of first terms in order to obtain a "third subsequence," "fourth subsequence," etc. Find the supremum of each of these subsequences, then find the infimum of all of these supremums. This infimum is the upper limit.
UPPER LIMITS, noun. Plural of upper limit
UPPER LUSATIAN, proper noun. A Slavic language spoken in part of Saxony
UPPER MARKET, proper noun. An area of San Francisco.
UPPER MEMORY AREA, noun. (computing) The area of memory between 640 kB and 1 MB in an IBM-compatible PC.
UPPER MIDDLE CLASS, noun. A social and economic class lying above the lower middle class and below the upper class.
UPPER MIDDLE CLASS, noun. (in the plural) the groups in society composed of highly educated professionals and middle managerial level workers.
UPPER MIDDLE CLASSES, noun. Plural of upper middle class
UPPER PENINSULA, proper noun. The northern of the two peninsulas that make up the US state of Michigan.
UPPER QUARTILE, noun. (mathematics) The median of the upper or highest half of a data set, especially of a sample, population, or probability distribution.
UPPER QUARTILES, noun. Plural of upper quartile
UPPER RESPIRATORY TRACT, noun. (anatomy) The part of respiratory tract consisting of nose, oral cavity, pharynx and larynx.
UPPER RESPIRATORY TRACT, noun. (anatomy) The part of respiratory tract consisting of nose, oral cavity, pharynx, larynx and trachea.
UPPER SEMI-CONTINUOUS, adjective. (of a real-valued function on a topological space) Such that, for each fixed number, the subspace of points whose images are at least that number is closed.
UPPER SEMI-CONTINUOUS, adjective. (of a real-valued function on a topological space) Such that for each fixed point x there is some neighborhood whose image's limit superior is x's image.
UPPER SEMICONTINUOUS, adjective. Alternative spelling of upper semi-continuous
UPPER SET, noun. (mathematics) (order theory) A subset of a poset which contains any ascending chain which starts at any element of itself.
UPPER SIDE, noun. The uppermost side of anything
UPPER SIDES, noun. Plural of upper side
UPPER SILESIA, proper noun. The south-eastern part of Silesia, today mostly within Polish borders with a small strip located in Czechia.
UPPER SORBIAN, proper noun. A Slavic language spoken in part of Saxony
UPPER SOUTH, proper noun. The northern part of the the South (Southern United States)
UPPER TEN THOUSAND, noun. (dated) The ten thousand people, more or less, who are highest in position or wealth; the upper class; the aristocracy.
UPPER VOLTA, proper noun. Former name of Burkina Faso.
UPPER VOLTAN, adjective. (dated) From Upper Volta (previous name of Burkina Faso)
UPPER VOLTAN, noun. (dated) From Upper Volta (previous name of Burkina Faso)
UPPER VOLTANS, noun. Plural of Upper Voltan
UPPER WENDISH, proper noun. Upper Sorbian (language)

Dictionary definition

UPPER, noun. The higher of two berths.
UPPER, noun. Piece of leather or synthetic material that forms the part of a shoe or boot above the sole that encases the foot; "Uppers come in many styles".
UPPER, noun. A central nervous system stimulant that increases energy and decreases appetite; used to treat narcolepsy and some forms of depression.
UPPER, adjective. The topmost one of two.
UPPER, adjective. Higher in place or position; "the upper bunk"; "in the upper center of the picture"; "the upper stories".
UPPER, adjective. Superior in rank or accomplishment; "the upper half of the class".

Wise words

The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.
Mark Twain