Associations to the word «Trapper»
- Native
- Cheer
- Pierce
- Angus
- Surveyor
- Missionary
- Git
- Francois
- Stephenson
- Traveler
- Rough
- Creek
- Folder
- Burns
- Weber
- Montana
- Pack
- Animal
- Poker
- Rifle
- Valley
- Stream
- Party
- Rat
- Outfit
- Blake
- Moose
- Paddle
- Glove
- Pierre
- Pursuit
- Solitude
- Antoine
- Foe
- Blanket
- Toil
- Trout
- Bunch
- Willow
- Dakota
- Cowboy
- Greenwood
- Sleeper
- American
- Rogers
- Frontier
- Adventures
- Basin
- Lake
- Sailor
- Nathaniel
- Jeep
- Lad
- Exploit
- Pueblo
- Lewis
- Terra
- Cub
- Guild
- Tent
- Rosie
- Incarnation
- Fisher
- Scenery
- Peculiarity
- Ranch
- Bandit
- Bear
- Settle
- Twig
TRAPPER, noun. One who traps animals; one who makes a business of trapping animals for their furs.
TRAPPER, noun. A boy who opens and shuts a trapdoor in a gallery or level.
TRAPPER, noun. Ornamental covering for a horse. See trapping/caparison.
TRAPPER HAT, noun. A type of winter hat with earflaps derived from the Russian Ushanka. Also known as a trooper hat.
Dictionary definition
TRAPPER, noun. Someone who sets traps for animals (usually to obtain their furs).
Wise words
Pass no rash condemnation on other peoples words or actions.