Associations to the word «Blake»


BLAKE, adjective. (UK dialectal) (Northern England) Pale; wan; sallow; yellow.
BLAKE, verb. (obsolete) (intransitive) Become pale.
BLAKE, proper noun. An English surname​, derived from black (dark haired), or from Old English blac, pale or fair.
BLAKE, proper noun. A surname​ anglicised from Ó Bláthmhaic.
BLAKE, proper noun. A male given name transferred from the surnames.
BLAKE, proper noun. (rather rare) A female given name transferred from the surname.

Dictionary definition

BLAKE, noun. Visionary British poet and painter (1757-1827).

Wise words

Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well.
Mohandas Gandhi