Associations to the word «Throw»

Pictures for the word «Throw»


THROW, verb. (transitive) To hurl; to cause an object to move rapidly through the air.
THROW, verb. (transitive) To eject or cause to fall off.
THROW, verb. (transitive) To move to another position or condition; to displace.
THROW, verb. (ceramics) To make (a pot) by shaping clay as it turns on a wheel.
THROW, verb. (transitive) (cricket) Of a bowler, to deliver (the ball) illegally by straightening the bowling arm during delivery.
THROW, verb. (transitive) (computing) To send (an error) to an exception-handling mechanism in order to interrupt normal processing.
THROW, verb. (sports) To intentionally lose a game.
THROW, verb. (transitive) (informal) To confuse or mislead.
THROW, verb. (figuratively) To send desperately.
THROW, verb. (transitive) To imprison.
THROW, verb. To organize an event, especially a party.
THROW, verb. To roll (a die or dice).
THROW, verb. (transitive) To cause a certain number on the die or dice to be shown after rolling it.
THROW, verb. (transitive) (bridge) To discard.
THROW, verb. (martial arts) To lift the opponent off the ground and bring him back down, especially into a position behind the thrower.
THROW, verb. (transitive) To subject someone to verbally.
THROW, verb. (transitive) (said of animals) To give birth to.
THROW, verb. (transitive) (said of one's voice) To change in order to give the illusion that the voice is that of someone else.
THROW, verb. (transitive) To show sudden emotion, especially anger.
THROW, verb. (transitive) To project or send forth.
THROW, verb. To put on hastily; to spread carelessly.
THROW, verb. To twist two or more filaments of (silk, etc.) so as to form one thread; to twist together, as singles, in a direction contrary to the twist of the singles themselves; sometimes applied to the whole class of operations by which silk is prepared for the weaver.
THROW, noun. The flight of a thrown object; as, a fast throw.
THROW, noun. The act of throwing something.
THROW, noun. A distance travelled; displacement; as, the throw of the piston.
THROW, noun. A piece of fabric used to cover a bed, sofa or other soft furnishing.
THROW, noun. A single instance, occurrence, venture, or chance.
THROW, noun. Pain, especially pain associated with childbirth; throe.
THROW, noun. (veterinary) The act of giving birth in animals, especially in cows.
THROW, noun. (obsolete) A moment, time, occasion.
THROW, noun. (obsolete) A period of time; a while.
THROW, noun. Misspelling of throe.
THROW A BONE TO, verb. (idiomatic) To provide support or assistance to, especially in one particular way or to a limited extent; to make a concession to.
THROW A FIT, verb. (idiomatic) To become angry, enraged, or upset; to act or react with an outburst, as by shouting, swearing, etc.
THROW A PARTY, verb. (idiomatic) To organize and execute a party.
THROW A SICKIE, verb. (slang) (UK) (Australia) (New Zealand) To take a day off from work for ill health (either real or feigned).
THROW A SPANNER IN THE WORKS, verb. (idiomatic) (UK) To be a problem, dilemma or obstacle, something unexpected or troublesome.
THROW A TANTRUM, verb. (idiomatic) To have a temper tantrum, to display a fit of childish anger.
THROW A WOBBLY, verb. (idiomatic) (colloquial) To throw a tantrum.
THROW ABOUT, verb. (archaic) (rare) To cast about; to try expedients.
THROW AN EYE, verb. (idiomatic) (intransitive) To glance; peep
THROW ASIDE, verb. (transitive) (idiomatic) to discard.
THROW AWAY, verb. (transitive) To discard (trash, garbage, or the like), to toss out, to put in the trash, to dispose of.
THROW AWAY, verb. (transitive) (figuratively) To waste, to squander.
THROW AWAY, verb. (American football) (slang) To intentionally throw an incomplete pass.
THROW AWAY THE KEY, verb. To never release someone (e.g., from prison).
THROW BACK, verb. (transitive) to throw something back (such as a fish that has been caught for sport)
THROW BACK, verb. (transitive) to hinder the development of something
THROW BACK, verb. (intransitive) to revert to an earlier stage of development
THROW BOARD, noun. Alternative form of throwboard
THROW CAUTION TO THE WIND, verb. (idiomatic) To do something despite the risks.
THROW CHUNKS, verb. (idiomatic) (slang) To vomit
THROW COLD WATER ON, verb. (idiomatic) (of a suggestion, idea, emotion, achievement, etc.) To belittle or dismiss; to cast doubt upon; to debunk.
THROW DIRT, verb. To fling dust or similar.
THROW DIRT, verb. (figuratively) To make derogatory or malicious allegations, particularly about people in public life.
THROW DOWN, verb. (transitive) (literal sense) to cause something one is holding to drop, often forcefully.
THROW DOWN, verb. (slang) (idiomatic) (transitive) to produce or perform (something) admirably or forcefully.
THROW DOWN, verb. (slang) (idiomatic) (intransitive) to fight, incite to fight, or approach with the intent to fight; to make a stand.
THROW DOWN, verb. (slang) (idiomatic) (intransitive) (by extension) to accomplish or produce something in a grand, respectable, or successful manner; to "represent".
THROW DOWN, verb. (slang) (idiomatic) (intransitive) to make an individual contribution to a group effort (e.g. money pool, collaborative record album)
THROW DOWN, verb. (slang) (idiomatic) (intransitive) to drink a large amount of beer quickly.
THROW DOWN ONE'S TOOLS, verb. (figuratively or symbolically) To go on strike.
THROW DOWN THE GAUNTLET, verb. (idiomatic) To issue a challenge.
THROW FOR A LOOP, verb. Alternative term for knock for a loop
THROW GOOD MONEY AFTER BAD, verb. (idiomatic) To waste money in a fruitless attempt to recoup losses previously incurred.
THROW IN, noun. Alternative form of throw-in
THROW IN, verb. (idiomatic) To add something extra free of charge.
THROW IN AT THE DEEP END, verb. (idiomatic) to introduce a person to a new situation without adequately preparing him or her.
THROW IN THE BARK, verb. (obsolete) (medicine) To administer quinine.
THROW IN THE SPONGE, verb. Alternative form of throw in the towel
THROW IN THE TOWEL, verb. (idiomatic) To quit; to give up.
THROW IN WITH, verb. (transitive) (idiomatic) To commit to something with; to partner with.
THROW INTO A COCKED HAT, verb. To confound, usually due to one or more unexpected occurrences.
THROW LATHE, noun. A small lathe worked by one hand, while the cutting tool is held in the other.
THROW MONEY AWAY, verb. (idiomatic) To spend money foolishly or indiscriminately; to waste money without regard of the consequences.
THROW OFF, verb. (idiomatic) To confuse; especially, to lose a pursuer.
THROW OFF, verb. (idiomatic) To introduce errors or inaccuracies; to skew.
THROW OFF BALANCE, verb. (idiomatic) To unsettle, to catch by surprise.
THROW OFF THE TRAIL, verb. (idiomatic) (transitive) To misguide.
THROW ON, verb. (transitive) to rapidly put on (clothes).
THROW ONE'S CAP OVER THE WINDMILL, verb. (idiomatic) To act in a crazed manner.
THROW ONE'S HAT IN THE RING, verb. (idiomatic) To announce one's candidacy in a contest
THROW ONE'S HAT INTO THE RING, verb. Alternative form of throw one's hat in the ring
THROW ONE'S NAME IN THE HAT, verb. Alternative form of put one's name in the hat
THROW ONE'S TOYS OUT OF THE PRAM, verb. (idiomatic) (mostly British) To lose one's temper; to throw a tantrum.
THROW ONE'S WEIGHT AROUND, verb. (idiomatic) To exercise influence or authority, especially to an excessive degree or in an objectionable manner.
THROW ONESELF AT, verb. (idiomatic) To make an embarrassingly desperate attempt to get someone's romantic attention.
THROW OUT, noun. Alternative form of throw-out
THROW OUT, verb. (idiomatic) To discard; to dispense with something; to throw away.
THROW OUT, verb. (idiomatic) To dismiss or expel someone from any longer performing duty or attending somewhere.
THROW OUT, verb. (idiomatic) To offer an idea for consideration.
THROW OUT THE BABY WITH THE BATH WATER, verb. Alternative form of throw the baby out with the bathwater
THROW OUT THE BABY WITH THE BATHWATER, verb. Alternative form of throw the baby out with the bathwater
THROW OVER, verb. (transitive) to end a romantic/sexual relationship with.
THROW PILLOW, noun. A small pillow, especially one placed on a chair rather than a bed, for decoration rather than comfort
THROW PILLOWS, noun. Plural of throw pillow
THROW RUG, noun. A scatter rug
THROW SALT, verb. (AAVE) To disparage or belittle.
THROW SHADE, verb. (gay slang) To subtly insult someone.
THROW SHAPES, verb. (Irish) (idiomatic) (slang) To act tough or put up a front. For example, to threaten a person by making "karate chops" at them, without actually doing harm or knowing karate.
THROW SHAPES, verb. (Irish) (idiomatic) (slang) To dance.
THROW SIGNS, verb. To make an gestural display from a distance of group affiliation, especially with a gang.
THROW SMOKE, verb. (idiomatic) (baseball) (slang) To consistently pitch fastballs that are difficult to hit.
THROW SOMEONE A BONE, verb. Alternative form of throw a bone to
THROW SOMEONE A CURVE, verb. (baseball) Used other than as an idiom: see To pitch a curve ball.
THROW SOMEONE A CURVE, verb. (idiomatic) To surprise; to introduce something unexpected or requiring a quick reaction or correction.
THROW THE BABY OUT WITH THE BATH WATER, verb. Alternative form of throw the baby out with the bathwater
THROW THE BABY OUT WITH THE BATHWATER, verb. (idiomatic) To discard, especially inadvertently, something valuable while in the process of removing or rejecting something unwanted.
THROW THE BOOK AT, verb. (transitive) (idiomatic) (informal) To charge with or convict of as many crimes as possible.
THROW THE BOOK AT, verb. (transitive) (idiomatic) (informal) To apply the harshest possible punishment to.
THROW TO THE DOGS, verb. (idiomatic) To throw away as useless.
THROW TO THE DOGS, verb. (idiomatic) To remove or cast out someone or something from one's protection, such as into the streets.
THROW TO THE DOGS, verb. (idiomatic) To give up on something valuable.
THROW TO THE WIND, verb. (idiomatic) To discard or dispense with, especially in an abrupt or reckless manner.
THROW TO THE WOLVES, verb. (idiomatic) To sacrifice someone, especially in an attempt to save oneself
THROW TO THE WOLVES, verb. (idiomatic) To remove or cast out someone or something out of one's protection, such as onto the streets, especially towards predators.
THROW TOGETHER, verb. (transitive) to assemble rapidly.
THROW TRUE, verb. To inherit a characteristic
THROW UNDER THE BUS, verb. (idiomatic) (transitive) (of a person or group) To betray or blame (something or someone), as a scapegoat or otherwise for personal gain.
THROW UNDER THE BUS, verb. (idiomatic) (transitive) (of a thing, idea, etc.) To discard or disown.
THROW UP, verb. Used other than as an idiom: see throw,‎ up.
THROW UP, verb. (now colloquial) To vomit.
THROW UP, verb. To produce something new or unexpected.
THROW UP, verb. To cause something such as dust or water to rise into the air.
THROW UP, verb. To erect, particularly hastily.
THROW UP, verb. To give up, abandon (something).
THROW UP, verb. To display a gang sign using the hands
THROW UP, noun. (colloquial) Vomit.
THROW UP ONE'S HANDS, verb. (intransitive) To cease an attempt because it is perceived as doomed.
THROW UP THE SPONGE, verb. (archaic) (slang) To give up a contest; to acknowledge defeat; throw in the towel.

Dictionary definition

THROW, noun. The act of throwing (propelling something with a rapid movement of the arm and wrist); "the catcher made a good throw to second base".
THROW, noun. A single chance or instance; "he couldn't afford $50 a throw".
THROW, noun. The maximum movement available to a pivoted or reciprocating piece by a cam.
THROW, noun. Bedclothes consisting of a lightweight cloth covering (an afghan or bedspread) that is casually thrown over something.
THROW, noun. Casting an object in order to determine an outcome randomly; "he risked his fortune on a throw of the dice".
THROW, verb. Propel through the air; "throw a frisbee".
THROW, verb. Move violently, energetically, or carelessly; "She threw herself forwards".
THROW, verb. Get rid of; "he shed his image as a pushy boss"; "shed your clothes".
THROW, verb. Place or put with great energy; "She threw the blanket around the child"; "thrust the money in the hands of the beggar".
THROW, verb. Convey or communicate; of a smile, a look, a physical gesture; "Throw a glance"; "She gave me a dirty look".
THROW, verb. Cause to go on or to be engaged or set in operation; "switch on the light"; "throw the lever".
THROW, verb. Put or send forth; "She threw the flashlight beam into the corner"; "The setting sun threw long shadows"; "cast a spell"; "cast a warm light".
THROW, verb. To put into a state or activity hastily, suddenly, or carelessly; "Jane threw dinner together"; "throw the car into reverse".
THROW, verb. Cause to be confused emotionally.
THROW, verb. Utter with force; utter vehemently; "hurl insults"; "throw accusations at someone".
THROW, verb. Organize or be responsible for; "hold a reception"; "have, throw, or make a party"; "give a course".
THROW, verb. Make on a potter's wheel; "she threw a beautiful teapot".
THROW, verb. Cause to fall off; "The horse threw its inexperienced rider".
THROW, verb. Throw (a die) out onto a flat surface; "Throw a six".
THROW, verb. Be confusing or perplexing to; cause to be unable to think clearly; "These questions confuse even the experts"; "This question completely threw me"; "This question befuddled even the teacher".

Wise words

In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
Martin Luther King, Jr.