Associations to the word «Tenth»
- Qualifier
- Ferrari
- Onward
- Birthday
- Clergy
- Seven
- Faster
- Installment
- Cent
- Eight
- Avenue
- Constructor
- Studio
- Sahib
- Numeral
- Flow
- Rus
- Diameter
- Fraction
- Ounce
- Digit
- Subsidy
- Canto
- Creek
- Session
- Placing
- Inch
- Sitter
- Mimi
- Bois
- Slaughter
- Magnitude
- Appeal
- Liter
- Tyre
- Wavelength
- Caliphate
- Knesset
- Ign
- Behind
- Regeneration
- Files
- Cavalry
- Finisher
- Mans
- Turkic
- Avatar
- Benedictine
- Southwest
- Wicket
- Satire
- Idol
- Turn
- Draft
- Button
- Finale
- Discus
- Housemate
- Austerity
- Stream
- Doctor
- Revenue
- Federalist
- Calendar
TENTH, adjective. The ordinal form of the number ten.
TENTH, noun. The person or thing in the tenth position.
TENTH, noun. One of ten equal parts of a whole.
TENTH, noun. (music) The interval between any tone and the tone represented on the tenth degree of the staff above it, as between one of the scale and three of the octave above; the octave of the third.
TENTH, noun. (UK) (legal) (historical) (in the plural) A temporary aid issuing out of personal property, and granted to the king by Parliament; formerly, the real tenth part of all the movables belonging to the subject.
TENTH CENTURY, noun. The hundred years from 901 to 1000.
TENTH GRADE, noun. (US) (education) The period in school that comes after ninth grade and before eleventh grade.
TENTH GRADES, noun. Plural of tenth grade
Dictionary definition
TENTH, noun. A tenth part; one part in ten equal parts.
TENTH, noun. Position ten in a countable series of things.
TENTH, adjective. Coming next after the ninth and just before the eleventh in position.
Wise words
Think twice before you speak, because your words and
influence will plant the seed of either success or failure
in the mind of another.