Associations to the word «Inch»
- Foot
- Pound
- Thigh
- Rim
- Blade
- Sedan
- Beam
- Closer
- Pounder
- Howitzer
- Deck
- Diameter
- Centimeter
- Snow
- Thread
- Cm
- Thumb
- Nail
- Snowfall
- Ledge
- Throttle
- Caliber
- Millimeter
- Armament
- Mm
- Thickness
- Belly
- Rainfall
- Mk
- Eighth
- Circumference
- Forward
- Turret
- Limousine
- Upward
- Horsepower
- Pausing
- Vinyl
- Alloy
- Nine
- Snarl
- Buttock
- Precipitation
- Pixel
- V8
- Mortar
- Torpedo
- Converse
- Hauling
- Reflector
- Puddle
- Benito
- Barrel
- Weigh
- Roarke
- Grille
- Telescope
- Weighing
- Muzzle
- Ounce
- Gun
- Breadth
- Archway
- Enamel
- Width
- Mounting
- Rpm
- Measuring
- Sobbing
INCH, noun. A unit of length equal to one twelfth of a foot, or exactly 2.54 centimetres.
INCH, noun. (meteorology) The amount of water which would cover a surface to the depth of an inch, used as a measurement of rainfall.
INCH, noun. The amount of an alcoholic beverage which would fill a glass or bottle to the depth of an inch.
INCH, noun. (figuratively) A very short distance.
INCH, verb. (intransitive) (followed by a preposition) To advance very slowly, or by a small amount (in a particular direction).
INCH, verb. To drive by inches, or small degrees.
INCH, verb. To deal out by inches; to give sparingly.
INCH, noun. (Scotland) A small island
INCH STUFF, noun. (archaic) Boards, etc., sawed one inch thick.
INCH TRACKER, noun. (slang) (LGBT) (sometimes pejorative) A size queen.
INCH TRACKERS, noun. Plural of inch tracker
Dictionary definition
INCH, noun. A unit of length equal to one twelfth of a foot.
INCH, noun. A unit of measurement for advertising space.
INCH, verb. Advance slowly, as if by inches; "He edged towards the car".
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