Associations to the word «Time»


TIME, interjection. (tennis) Reminder by the umpire for the players to continue playing after their pause.
TIME, noun. (uncountable) The inevitable progression into the future with the passing of present events into the past.
TIME, noun. (physics) (usually uncountable) A dimension of spacetime with the opposite metric signature to space dimensions; the fourth dimension.
TIME, noun. (physics) (uncountable) Change associated with the second law of thermodynamics; the physical and psychological result of increasing entropy.
TIME, noun. A duration of time.
TIME, noun. (uncountable) A quantity of availability of duration.
TIME, noun. (countable) A measurement of a quantity of time; a numerical or general indication of a length of progression.
TIME, noun. (uncountable) (slang) The serving of a prison sentence.
TIME, noun. (countable) An experience.
TIME, noun. (countable) An era; (with the, sometimes in plural) the current era, the current state of affairs.
TIME, noun. (uncountable) (with possessive) A person's youth or young adulthood, as opposed to the present day.
TIME, noun. (only in singular) (sports and figuratively) Time out; temporary, limited suspension of play.
TIME, noun. An instant of time.
TIME, noun. (uncountable) How much of a day has passed; the moment, as indicated by a clock or similar device.
TIME, noun. (countable) A particular moment or hour; the appropriate moment or hour for something (especially with prepositional phrase or imperfect subjunctive).
TIME, noun. (countable) A numerical indication of a particular moment.
TIME, noun. (countable) An instance or occurrence.
TIME, noun. (UK) (of pubs) Closing time.
TIME, noun. The hour of childbirth.
TIME, noun. (countable) The measurement under some system of region of day or moment.
TIME, noun. (countable) Ratio of comparison.
TIME, noun. (grammar) (dated) Tense.
TIME, noun. (music) The measured duration of sounds; measure; tempo; rate of movement; rhythmical division.
TIME, verb. To measure or record the time, duration, or rate of.
TIME, verb. To choose when something begins or how long it lasts.
TIME, verb. (obsolete) To keep or beat time; to proceed or move in time.
TIME, verb. (obsolete) To pass time; to delay.
TIME, verb. To regulate as to time; to accompany, or agree with, in time of movement.
TIME, verb. To measure, as in music or harmony.
TIME ADDED ON, noun. (sports) injury time, stoppage time
TIME AFTER TIME, adverb. (idiomatic) Again and again; repeatedly; every time; always
TIME AND A HALF, noun. A rate of pay 50% greater than normal; especially for overtime
TIME AND AGAIN, adverb. Repeatedly
TIME AND MATERIAL, noun. (idiomatic) (business) A form of contractual compensation involving payment for materials used and at agreed rates for the those involved in performing the services.
TIME AND MATERIALS, noun. Plural of time and material
TIME AND MOTION STUDY, noun. An analysis of the motions used in an industrial process with an aim to improve efficiency and productivity
TIME AND TIME AGAIN, adverb. Often; repeatedly
TIME ATTACK, noun. (video games) time trial
TIME ATTACKS, noun. Plural of time attack
TIME AVERAGE, noun. (ergodic theory) the average (if it exists) of a function over iterations of T, a measure-preserving transformation on a measure space, starting from some initial point x.
TIME BALL, noun. A large wooden or metal ball that drops at a predetermined time to enable sailors to check their marine chronometers from their boats offshore.
TIME BALLS, noun. Plural of time ball
TIME BANDIT, noun. (informal) (idiomatic) Something or someone that consumes an inordinate amount of time, especially without achieving anything productive.
TIME BANDITS, noun. Plural of time bandit
TIME BANK, noun. A system for reciprocal volunteering that uses time as the unit of currency.
TIME BANK, noun. (Canada) A system in which an employer keeps track of overtime hours that can later be redeemed as either money or as time off with pay.
TIME BANKING, noun. The use of a time bank.
TIME BANKS, noun. Plural of time bank
TIME BARGAIN, noun. (dated) A contract made for the sale or purchase of merchandise, or of stock in the public funds, at a certain time in the future.
TIME BEING, noun. The present time
TIME BILL, noun. A bill of exchange that is to be paid at some future date
TIME BILLS, noun. Plural of time bill
TIME BOMB, noun. A bomb that has a mechanism such that detonation can be preset to a particular time.
TIME BOMB, noun. (computing) A program designed to perform a destructive action at a certain date and/or time.
TIME BOMB, noun. (by extension) A situation that threatens to have disastrous consequences at some future time.
TIME BOMBS, noun. Plural of time bomb
TIME BOX, noun. (management) A fixed timeframe dedicated for a project or a task in a project.
TIME BOXES, noun. Plural of time box
TIME BURGLAR, noun. (informal) (idiomatic) Something or someone that consumes an inordinate amount of time, especially without achieving anything productive.
TIME BURGLARS, noun. Plural of time burglar
TIME CAPSULE, noun. A sealed container, buried at some location, that contains records of contemporary life - to be rediscovered in the distant future.
TIME CAPSULE, noun. (figuratively) Something reflecting historical setting by its nature, existing out of time due to isolation or some specific external influence.
TIME CAPSULES, noun. Plural of time capsule
TIME CLOCK, noun. A device that records, on timecards, the times when employees start and finish work.
TIME CLOCKS, noun. Plural of time clock
TIME CODE, noun. A numeric code generated at regular intervals by a timing system.
TIME CODES, noun. Plural of time code
TIME COMPLEXITIES, noun. Plural of time complexity
TIME COMPLEXITY, noun. (computer science) the amount of time an algorithm requires to run, as a function of the amount of input, measured in such a way as to ignore constant terms and multiplication by constant terms
TIME CONSTANT, noun. (mathematics) A characteristic of an exponential function, represented by τ in the function:
TIME CONSTANT, noun. (physics) The time in which a physical system's response to a step-wise change in an external variable reaches approximately 63% of its final (asymptotic) value.
TIME CONSTANTS, noun. Plural of time constant
TIME DELAY, noun. A delay used to separate the occurrence of two events, especially in a mechanical or electronic device.
TIME DELAYS, noun. Plural of time delay
TIME DEPOSIT, noun. A deposit in a bank that cannot be withdrawn before a specified date
TIME DETECTOR, noun. A timepiece provided with a device for registering and indicating the exact time when a watchman visits certain stations on his beat.
TIME DETECTORS, noun. Plural of time detector
TIME DIFFERENCE, noun. The difference between one measurement of time and another taken later; the length of a time interval.
TIME DIFFERENCE, noun. The difference in clock time between two or more different time zones.
TIME DILATATION, noun. (physics) A less common variant of time dilation.
TIME DILATION, noun. (physics) The slowing of the passage of time experienced by objects in motion relative to an observer; measurable only at relativistic speeds.
TIME DOMAIN, noun. (mathematics) (physics) The set of values, representing time, over which a function dependent on time is defined.
TIME DOMAINS, noun. Plural of time domain
TIME EXPOSURE, noun. (photography) An exposure made by leaving a camera's shutter open for a period greater than a fraction of a second; an image so obtained.
TIME FRAME, noun. The period of time during which something is expected to occur, or does occur
TIME FRAMES, noun. Plural of time frame
TIME HORIZON, noun. (business) A fixed point of time in the future where certain processes will be evaluated or assumed to end.
TIME IMMEMORIAL, noun. Time that extends beyond memory or record.
TIME IMMEMORIAL, noun. (UK law) (uncountable) 6th of July of 1189 Anno Domini
TIME INTERVAL, noun. A period of time with fixed, well-defined limits.
TIME KILLER, noun. An activity which unproductively consumes a large amount of time; a distraction.
TIME KILLERS, noun. Plural of time killer
TIME LIMIT, noun. A time by which something must finish
TIME LIMIT, noun. A duration beyond which something may not exceed
TIME LINE, noun. Alternative form of timeline
TIME LINES, noun. Plural of time line
TIME LOAN, noun. A loan that must be repaid by a certain time.
TIME LOCK, noun. A lock, typically in on a door in a bank vault, that cannot be unlocked before a specified time.
TIME LOCKS, noun. Plural of time lock
TIME MACHINE, noun. A hypothetical device used to travel into the past or the future.
TIME MACHINES, noun. Plural of time machine
TIME MANAGEMENT, noun. The management of time in order to make the most out of it.
TIME NOTE, noun. (finance) a promissory note that specifies a date (or dates) when repayment must be made
TIME NOTES, noun. Plural of time note
TIME OF ARRIVAL, noun. The time when an airplane, etc, is scheduled to arrive.
TIME OF ASKING, noun. (usually prefixed by an ordinal) A repeated occurrence or event
TIME OF DAY, noun. (archaic) The time according to the clock.
TIME OF DAY, noun. A loosely specified period of time, minutes or hours in duration, especially daytime, or point in time.
TIME OF DAY, noun. (obsolete) (except in an idiom) (by ellipsis) The greeting appropriate to the time of day.
TIME OF DEPARTURE, noun. The time when an airplane, etc, is scheduled to depart.
TIME OF PITCH, noun. (baseball) The moment when the pitcher begins the motion of pitching the ball and, by the rules of the game, has committed himself to throwing the pitch.
TIME OF THE MONTH, noun. (idiomatic) (euphemistic) The time when a woman is menstruating or about to.
TIME OF YEAR, noun. A particular period in the year.
TIME OFF, noun. (idiomatic) A period of time where one is not required to work.
TIME OUT, interjection. (sports) To call for a time-out.
TIME OUT, interjection. (idiomatic) To call for a suspension of activity or conversation.
TIME OUT, noun. Alternative spelling of time-out
TIME OUT, verb. (transitive) (communication) to end (an incomplete task) after a time limit
TIME OUT, verb. (intransitive) (communication) of a task, to be terminated because it was not completed before a time limit
TIME OUT OF MIND, noun. (idiomatic) The distant past beyond anyone's memory.
TIME OUT OF MIND, noun. (idiomatic) A lengthy duration of time, longer than is readily remembered.
TIME OUT OF MIND, adverb. (idiomatic) (dated) For a lengthy period of time; on numerous occasions.
TIME OUTS, noun. Plural of time out
TIME PORN, noun. Media (especially television shows) which depicts people enjoying unrealistic amounts of free time.
TIME PREFERENCE, noun. (economics) A measure of the preference a consumer has for enjoyment at a time in the future that is either more immediate or more remote.
TIME PREFERENCES, noun. Plural of time preference
TIME RECORDER, noun. Time clock
TIME RECORDERS, noun. Plural of time recorder
TIME REVERSAL, noun. (mathematics) an operation that transforms a physical system undergoing a sequence of events into one in which the events take place in the reverse sequence
TIME REVERSAL, noun. (physics) T-symmetry
TIME REVERSALS, noun. Plural of time reversal
TIME SCALE, noun. A series of events used as a rough measure of duration.
TIME SCALES, noun. Plural of time scale
TIME SERIES, noun. (statistics) A set of data points, each of which represents the value of the same variable at different times, normally at uniform intervals.
TIME SERVED, noun. (legal) Time spent in remand awaiting trial, when credited after a guilty verdict usually by subtracting from the sentence.
TIME SHEET, noun. Alternative form of timesheet
TIME SHEETS, noun. Plural of time sheet
TIME SHIFTING, noun. The practice of recording a broadcast with the intention of watching or listening to it later at a more convenient time.
TIME SHIFTING, noun. The practice of network affiliates from different time zones of making television programs/programmes available at multiple times during the day.
TIME SIGNAL, noun. A visible, audible, mechanical, or electronic signal used as a reference to determine the time of day
TIME SIGNALS, noun. Plural of time signal
TIME SIGNATURE, noun. (music) A numerical sign placed on a stave to indicate the meter; the numerator is the number of beats per bar, the denominator represents the value of each beat
TIME SIGNATURES, noun. Plural of time signature
TIME SINK, noun. (informal) Something that consumes a great deal of time, usually with little benefit; a waste of time.
TIME SINKS, noun. Plural of time sink
TIME SLICE, noun. (computing) The period of time for which a process is allowed to run in a preemptive multitasking system.
TIME SLICES, noun. Plural of time slice
TIME SLOT, noun. Alternative form of timeslot
TIME SLOTS, noun. Plural of time slot
TIME SPREAD, noun. (economics) Another term for calendar spread.
TIME STANDARD, noun. An agreed method of measuring time; a specification or standard of either the rate at which time passes, or of points in time, or of both.
TIME STREAM, noun. Alternative form of timestream
TIME STRETCH ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER, noun. (electronics) Also known as the Time Stretch Enhanced Recorder (TiSER) is an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) system that has the capability of digitizing very high bandwidth signals that cannot be captured by conventional electronic ADCs. Alternatively, it is also known as the photonic time stretch (PTS) digitizer, since it uses an optical frontend. It relies on the process of time-stretch, which effectively slows down the analog signal in time (or compresses its bandwidth) before it can be digitized by a slow electronic ADC..
TIME STUDY, noun. Time and motion study
TIME SUCK, noun. Alternative form of timesuck
TIME TABLE, noun. Alternative spelling of timetable
TIME TABLES, noun. Plural of time table
TIME TEST, noun. (medicine) A test of fitness in which a person exercises for a defined period
TIME TESTED, adjective. Alternative spelling of time-tested
TIME THEFT, noun. The situation where an employee fraudulently takes payment for time during which he or she was not working.
TIME THIEF, noun. (informal) (idiomatic) Something or someone that consumes an inordinate amount of time, especially without achieving anything productive.
TIME THIEVES, noun. Plural of time thief
TIME TO KILL, noun. A period during which one has no responsibilities to fulfill, often while waiting for some event or outcome, and therefore must find some activity to partake in to prevent boredom.
TIME TO TIME, adverb. From time to time
TIME TRAVEL, noun. Hypothetical or fictional travel to the past or the future, typically by means of a machine (a time machine) or a wormhole.
TIME TRIAL, noun. (cycling) An unpaced race in which riders or teams, leaving at regular intervals are timed over a preset course or distance, the winner being the rider or team to finish in the fastest time.
TIME TRIAL, noun. Any competitive event in which competitors are timed rather than racing against each other.
TIME TRIALIST, noun. Someone who competes in a time trial.
TIME TRIALS, noun. Plural of time trial
TIME TUNNEL, noun. (science fiction) a passageway enabling time travel
TIME WARP, noun. (science fiction) a hypothetical discontinuity in the flow of time that would move events from one time period to another
TIME WARP, noun. A line dance popularized by the movie The Rocky Horror Picture Show, in which the dancers take a jump to the left, a step to the right, put their hands on their hips, bend their knees, thrust their pelvises, spin in a circle, jump forward and back, and wiggle.
TIME WARPS, noun. Plural of time warp
TIME WORK, noun. Alternative form of timework
TIME ZONE, noun. A range of longitudes where a common standard time is used.
TIME ZONES, noun. Plural of time zone

Dictionary definition

TIME, noun. An instance or single occasion for some event; "this time he succeeded"; "he called four times"; "he could do ten at a clip".
TIME, noun. A period of time considered as a resource under your control and sufficient to accomplish something; "take time to smell the roses"; "I didn't have time to finish"; "it took more than half my time".
TIME, noun. An indefinite period (usually marked by specific attributes or activities); "he waited a long time"; "the time of year for planting"; "he was a great actor in his time".
TIME, noun. A suitable moment; "it is time to go".
TIME, noun. The continuum of experience in which events pass from the future through the present to the past.
TIME, noun. A person's experience on a particular occasion; "he had a time holding back the tears"; "they had a good time together".
TIME, noun. A reading of a point in time as given by a clock; "do you know what time it is?"; "the time is 10 o'clock".
TIME, noun. The fourth coordinate that is required (along with three spatial dimensions) to specify a physical event.
TIME, noun. Rhythm as given by division into parts of equal duration.
TIME, noun. The period of time a prisoner is imprisoned; "he served a prison term of 15 months"; "his sentence was 5 to 10 years"; "he is doing time in the county jail".
TIME, verb. Measure the time or duration of an event or action or the person who performs an action in a certain period of time; "he clocked the runners".
TIME, verb. Assign a time for an activity or event; "The candidate carefully timed his appearance at the disaster scene".
TIME, verb. Set the speed, duration, or execution of; "we time the process to manufacture our cars very precisely".
TIME, verb. Regulate or set the time of; "time the clock".
TIME, verb. Adjust so that a force is applied and an action occurs at the desired time; "The good player times his swing so as to hit the ball squarely".

Wise words

The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as effective as a rightly timed pause.
Mark Twain