Associations to the word «Stick»

Pictures for the word «Stick»


STICK, noun. An elongated piece of wood or similar material, typically put to some use, for example as a wand or baton.
STICK, noun. A small, thin branch from a tree or bush; a twig; a branch.
STICK, noun. A relatively long, thin piece of wood, of any size.
STICK, noun. (US) A timber board, especially a two by four (inches).
STICK, noun. A cane or walking stick (usually wooden, metal or plastic) to aid in walking.
STICK, noun. A cudgel or truncheon (usually of wood, metal or plastic), especially one carried by police or guards.
STICK, noun. (carpentry) The vertical member of a cope-and-stick joint.
STICK, noun. (figuratively) A piece (of furniture, especially if wooden).
STICK, noun. Any roughly cylindrical (or rectangular) unit of a substance.
STICK, noun. (chiefly North America) A small rectangular block, with a length several times its width, which contains by volume one half of a cup of shortening (butter, margarine or lard).
STICK, noun. A standard rectangular (often thin) piece of chewing gum.
STICK, noun. (slang) A cigarette (usually a tobacco cigarette, less often a marijuana cigarette).
STICK, noun. Material or objects attached to a stick or the like.
STICK, noun. A bunch of something wrapped around or attached to a stick.
STICK, noun. (archaic) A scroll that is rolled around (mounted on, attached to) a stick.
STICK, noun. (military) The structure to which a set of bombs in a bomber aircraft are attached and which drops the bombs when it is released. The bombs themselves and, by extension, any load of similar items dropped in quick succession such as paratroopers or containers.
STICK, noun. A tool, control, or instrument shaped somewhat like a stick.
STICK, noun. (US) (colloquial) A manual transmission, a vehicle equipped with a manual transmission, so called because of the stick-like, i.e. twig-like, control (the gear shift) with which the driver of such a vehicle controls its transmission.
STICK, noun. (US) (colloquial) (uncountable) Vehicles, collectively, equipped with manual transmissions.
STICK, noun. (aviation) The control column of an aircraft; a joystick. (By convention, a wheel-like control mechanism with a handgrip on opposite sides, similar to the steering wheel ofan automobiles, is also called the "stick".)
STICK, noun. (aviation) (uncountable) Use of the stick to control the aircraft.
STICK, noun. (computing) A memory stick.
STICK, noun. (dated) (metal typesetting) A composing stick, the tool used by compositors to assemble lines of type.
STICK, noun. (jazz) (slang) The clarinet. (more often called the liquorice stick)
STICK, noun. (sports) A stick-like item:
STICK, noun. (sports) (generically) A long thin implement used to control a ball or puck in sports like hockey, polo, and lacrosse.
STICK, noun. (horse racing) The short whip carried by a jockey.
STICK, noun. (boardsports) A board as used in board sports, such as a surfboard, snowboard, or skateboard.
STICK, noun. (golf) The pole bearing a small flag that marks the hole.
STICK, noun. (US) (slang) (uncountable) The cue used in billiards, pool, snooker, etc.
STICK, noun. The game of pool, or an individual pool game.
STICK, noun. (sports) (uncountable) Ability; specifically:
STICK, noun. (golf) The long-range driving ability of a golf club.
STICK, noun. (baseball) The potential hitting power of a specific bat.
STICK, noun. (baseball) General hitting ability.
STICK, noun. (hockey) The potential accuracy of a hockey stick, implicating also the player using it.
STICK, noun. (slang) (dated) A person or group of people. (Perhaps, in some senses, because people are, broadly speaking, tall and thin, like pieces of wood.)
STICK, noun. A thin or wiry person; particularly a flat-chested woman.
STICK, noun. (magic) An assistant planted in the audience.
STICK, noun. (military aviation) (from joystick) A fighter pilot.
STICK, noun. (military) (South Africa) A small group of (infantry) soldiers.
STICK, noun. Encouragement or punishment, or (resulting) vigour or other improved behavior.
STICK, noun. A negative stimulus or a punishment. (This sense derives from the metaphor of using a stick, a long piece of wood, to poke or beat a beast of burden to compel it to move forward. Compare carrot.)
STICK, noun. (slang) (uncountable) Corporal punishment; beatings.
STICK, noun. (slang) Vigor; spirit; effort, energy, intensity.
STICK, noun. (slang) Vigorous driving of a car; gas.
STICK, noun. A measure.
STICK, noun. (obsolete) An English Imperial unit of length equal to 2 inches.
STICK, noun. (archaic) (rare) A quantity of eels, usually 25.
STICK, verb. (carpentry) To cut a piece of wood to be the stick member of a cope-and-stick joint.
STICK, noun. (motor racing) The traction of tires on the road surface.
STICK, noun. (fishing) (uncountable) The amount of fishing line resting on the water surface before a cast; line stick.
STICK, noun. A thrust with a pointed instrument; a stab.
STICK, verb. (intransitive) To become or remain attached; to adhere.
STICK, verb. (intransitive) To jam; to stop moving.
STICK, verb. (intransitive) To tolerate, to endure, to stick with.
STICK, verb. (intransitive) To persist.
STICK, verb. (intransitive) Of snow, to remain frozen on landing.
STICK, verb. (intransitive) To remain loyal; to remain firm.
STICK, verb. (intransitive) To hesitate, to be reluctant; to refuse.
STICK, verb. (dated) (intransitive) To cause difficulties, scruples, or hesitation.
STICK, verb. (transitive) To attach with glue or as if by gluing.
STICK, verb. (transitive) To place, set down (quickly or carelessly).
STICK, verb. (transitive) To press (something with a sharp point) into something else.
STICK, verb. (transitive) (now only in dialects) To stab.
STICK, verb. (transitive) To fix on a pointed instrument; to impale.
STICK, verb. (transitive) (archaic) To adorn or deck with things fastened on as by piercing.
STICK, verb. (transitive) (gymnastics) To perform (a landing) perfectly.
STICK, verb. (botany) (transitive) To propagate plants by cuttings.
STICK, verb. (transitive) (printing) (slang) (dated) To compose; to set, or arrange, in a composing stick.
STICK, verb. (transitive) (joinery) To run or plane (mouldings) in a machine, in contradistinction to working them by hand. Such mouldings are said to be stuck.
STICK, verb. (dated) (transitive) To bring to a halt; to stymie; to puzzle.
STICK, verb. (transitive) (slang) (dated) To impose upon; to compel to pay; sometimes, to cheat.
STICK, adjective. (informal) Likely to stick; sticking, sticky.
STICK, noun. (British) (uncountable) Criticism or ridicule.
STICK, noun. (Ireland) A member of the Official IRA.
STICK, proper noun. (musici) The Chapman Stick, an electric musical instrument devised by Emmett Chapman.
STICK A SOCK IN IT, verb. Alternative form of put a sock in it
STICK AND CARROT, noun. Alternative form of carrot and stick (more common in UK than in US)
STICK AROUND, verb. (idiomatic) To stay; to linger; to remain.
STICK AT, verb. (transitive) To continue practising (a skill), even it is difficult
STICK BOY, noun. A simple drawing of a boy with lines to represent limbs and torso.
STICK BY, verb. (idiomatic) to follow or adhere to somebody or something, to remain loyal and unswerving in one's attitude towards somebody or something
STICK BY ONE'S GUNS, verb. Alternative form of stick to one's guns
STICK CLIP, noun. (construction) a non-penetrating fastener that is adhered to the waterproofing surface; typically used to retain insulation, drainage panels, etc., against the waterproofing to prevent sliding and displacement.
STICK DOWN, verb. (transitive) To cause to stick to a surface.
STICK DOWN, verb. (intransitive) to stick to a surface.
STICK DOWN, verb. To write something casually.
STICK FIGURE, noun. A simple drawing, typically of a human body with a circle representing the head and straight lines representing the torso and limbs.
STICK FIGURE, noun. (derogatory) A skinny person.
STICK FIGURES, noun. Plural of stick figure
STICK IN SOMEONE'S CRAW, verb. (idiomatic) To cause lasting annoyance, irritation, or hard feelings.
STICK IN THE MUD, noun. (idiomatic) (pejorative) A person unwilling to participate in activities; a curmudgeon or party pooper.
STICK IN THE MUD, noun. (idiomatic) (pejorative) More generally, one who is slow, old-fashioned, or unprogressive; an old fogey.
STICK IN THE MUDS, noun. Plural of stick in the mud
STICK INSECT, noun. Any of various insects of the order Phasmatodea that mimic sticks or twigs.
STICK INSECTS, noun. Plural of stick insect
STICK IT OUT, verb. (idiomatic) To persist or continue.
STICK IT TO THE MAN, verb. (intransitive) (idiomatic) To take some action intended to defy a source of oppression such as globalization, commercialization, big business or government.
STICK MAN, noun. A simple drawing of a man with lines to represent limbs and torso.
STICK MEN, noun. Plural of stick man
STICK NOTE, noun. (informal) Alternative form of sticky note
STICK NOTES, noun. (informal) plural of stick note
STICK OF FURNITURE, noun. An inadequate piece of furniture.
STICK ONE'S NECK OUT, verb. (idiomatic) To take a risk, putting oneself in a vulnerable position.
STICK ONE'S NOSE IN, verb. (idiomatic) To be nosy; to meddle or interfere in the affairs of another.
STICK ONE'S NOSE INTO, verb. To interfere or try to intervene in (an issue that does not concern one).
STICK ONE'S OAR IN, verb. (idiomatic) (UK) To meddle; to stick one's nose into (something)
STICK ONE'S TONGUE OUT, verb. To push one's tongue so that it protrudes from the mouth, especially as a gesture of rudeness.
STICK OUT, verb. To protrude; to extend beyond.
STICK OUT, verb. (idiomatic) To be prominent, noticeable, or obtrusive.
STICK OUT, verb. To persist. See stick it out.
STICK OUT LIKE A SORE THUMB, verb. (simile) Be very noticeably different, especially in a negative way; to be particularly obtrusive, conspicuous, blatant, or prominent; to attract undue attention or notice.
STICK PLASTER, noun. (UK) Alternative form of sticking plaster
STICK PLASTERS, noun. (UK) plural of stick plaster Alternative term for sticking plasters
STICK PUSHER, noun. (aviation) An automated mechanical device connected to the control column of some aircraft, which pushes the column forward, thus increasing speed, if the pilot is approaching a stall.
STICK SHAKER, noun. (aviation) An automated mechanical device connected to the control column of some aircraft, which shakes the stick to alert the pilot if the aircraft is approaching a stall.
STICK SHIFT, noun. Alternative spelling of stickshift
STICK TO, verb. (idiomatic) To persist; to continue (to use, do, etc.)
STICK TO, verb. Used other than as an idiom: see stick,‎ to.
STICK TO ONE'S GUNS, verb. (dated) (military) (of gunners) To persist in faithfully attending to cannons while under fire.
STICK TO ONE'S GUNS, verb. (idiomatic) (by extension) To maintain one’s position or viewpoint when faced with opposition.
STICK TO ONE'S KNITTING, verb. (idiomatic) To concentrate one's attention and actions on one's own tasks, responsibilities, or affairs.
STICK TO ONE'S OWN KNITTING, verb. Alternative form of stick to one's knitting
STICK TOGETHER, verb. (intransitive) (of two or objects) To physically combine by adhesion.
STICK TOGETHER, verb. (idiomatic) (intransitive) To unite, to combine
STICK UP, verb. (transitive) Used other than as an idiom: see stick,‎ up.; To put up by sticking.
STICK UP, verb. (transitive) (idiomatic) To rob at gunpoint.
STICK UP, verb. (intransitive) (idiomatic) To be prominent; to point upwards.
STICK UP, verb. (intransitive) (with for) To speak or act in defence (of).
STICK UP, verb. (intransitive) (with to) To defy, to confront, to stand up to.
STICK UP, verb. (intransitive) (with to) To maintain a commitment (as, to a proposition or role)
STICK UP FOR, verb. (transitive) To defend or protect.
STICK UP ONE'S ASS, noun. (idiomatic) A stiff, stern, uptight, or humorless manner.
STICK WITH, verb. Used other than as an idiom: see stick,‎ with.
STICK WITH, verb. (idiomatic) To remain close to.
STICK WITH, verb. (idiomatic) To follow or adhere to.
STICK WITH, verb. (informal) To follow loyally.
STICK WITH, verb. To persist in using or employing.
STICK WITH, verb. To endure in the memory of.

Dictionary definition

STICK, noun. An implement consisting of a length of wood; "he collected dry sticks for a campfire"; "the kid had a candied apple on a stick".
STICK, noun. A small thin branch of a tree.
STICK, noun. A lever used by a pilot to control the ailerons and elevators of an airplane.
STICK, noun. A rectangular quarter pound block of butter or margarine.
STICK, noun. Informal terms for the leg; "fever left him weak on his sticks".
STICK, noun. A long implement (usually made of wood) that is shaped so that hockey or polo players can hit a puck or ball.
STICK, noun. A long thin implement resembling a length of wood; "cinnamon sticks"; "a stick of dynamite".
STICK, noun. Marijuana leaves rolled into a cigarette for smoking.
STICK, noun. Threat of a penalty; "the policy so far is all stick and no carrot".
STICK, verb. Put, fix, force, or implant; "lodge a bullet in the table"; "stick your thumb in the crack".
STICK, verb. Stay put (in a certain place); "We are staying in Detroit; we are not moving to Cincinnati"; "Stay put in the corner here!"; "Stick around and you will learn something!".
STICK, verb. Stick to firmly; "Will this wallpaper adhere to the wall?".
STICK, verb. Be or become fixed; "The door sticks--we will have to plane it".
STICK, verb. Endure; "The label stuck to her for the rest of her life".
STICK, verb. Be a devoted follower or supporter; "The residents of this village adhered to Catholicism"; "She sticks to her principles".
STICK, verb. Be loyal to; "She stood by her husband in times of trouble"; "The friends stuck together through the war".
STICK, verb. Cover and decorate with objects that pierce the surface; "stick some feathers in the turkey before you serve it".
STICK, verb. Fasten with an adhesive material like glue; "stick the poster onto the wall".
STICK, verb. Fasten with or as with pins or nails; "stick the photo onto the corkboard".
STICK, verb. Fasten into place by fixing an end or point into something; "stick the corner of the sheet under the mattress".
STICK, verb. Pierce with a thrust using a pointed instrument; "he stuck the cloth with the needle".
STICK, verb. Pierce or penetrate or puncture with something pointed; "He stuck the needle into his finger".
STICK, verb. Come or be in close contact with; stick or hold together and resist separation; "The dress clings to her body"; "The label stuck to the box"; "The sushi rice grains cohere".
STICK, verb. Saddle with something disagreeable or disadvantageous; "They stuck me with the dinner bill"; "I was stung with a huge tax bill".
STICK, verb. Be a mystery or bewildering to; "This beats me!"; "Got me--I don't know the answer!"; "a vexing problem"; "This question really stuck me".

Wise words

Occasionally in life there are those moments of unutterable fulfillment which cannot be completely explained by those symbols called words. Their meanings can only be articulated by the inaudible language of the heart.
Martin Luther King Jr.