Associations to the word «Sneak»
- Thief
- Steal
- Preview
- Bedroom
- Hide
- Spy
- Boone
- Sleeping
- Snoop
- Coward
- Disguise
- Quarterback
- Kitchen
- Bathroom
- Night
- Retrieve
- Romeo
- Try
- Basement
- Hiding
- Fuss
- Sentry
- Boyfriend
- Bart
- Peep
- Apartment
- Nap
- Goblin
- Glenn
- Room
- Joe
- Thicket
- Catch
- Gang
- Kill
- Rescue
- Cabin
- Escape
- Liar
- Back
- Cutter
- Fence
- Ebert
- Bed
- Dod
- Renie
- Guard
- Stole
- Em
- Nimitz
- Glance
- Grab
- Notification
- Bully
- Sylvester
- Butch
- Latch
- Burglar
- Scissors
- Stave
- Hermione
SNEAK, noun. One who sneaks; one who moves stealthily to acquire an item or information.
SNEAK, noun. A cheat; a con artist; a trickster
SNEAK, noun. An informer; a tell-tale.
SNEAK, noun. (obsolete) (cricket) A ball bowled so as to roll along the ground; a daisy-cutter
SNEAK, noun. (US) A sneaker; a tennis shoe.
SNEAK, verb. (intransitive) To creep or go stealthily; to come or go while trying to avoid detection, as a person who does not wish to be seen.
SNEAK, verb. (transitive) To take something stealthily without permission.
SNEAK, verb. (transitive) (dated) To hide, especially in a mean or cowardly manner.
SNEAK, verb. (intransitive) (informal, especially with on) To inform an authority about another's misdemeanours; to tell tales; to grass.
SNEAK, adjective. In advance; before release to the general public.
SNEAK, adjective. In a stealthy or surreptitious manner.
SNEAK AWAY, verb. To leave a place, or a meeting, without being seen or heard
SNEAK CURRENT, noun. An electric current which, though too weak to blow a fuse or cause immediate damage to equipment, will in time burn out the equipment.
SNEAK CURRENTS, noun. Plural of sneak current
SNEAK IN, verb. To enter without being noticed
SNEAK IN, verb. To barely advance or be allowed entry in a competition or organization despite minimal credentials or competitors thought to be superior.
SNEAK OFF, verb. To leave a place, or a meeting, without being seen or heard
SNEAK OUT, verb. To leave a place or a gathering while trying to avoid being seen or heard.
SNEAK PEEK, noun. A preview, especially of something not yet public.
SNEAK PREVIEW, noun. (informal) An early preview or look at something, especially not yet made public.
SNEAK THIEF, noun. A thief who steals without being noticed and without using violence
SNEAK UP, verb. To approach a person or animal without being seen or heard
SNEAK UP ON, verb. To approach a person or animal without being seen or heard
Dictionary definition
SNEAK, noun. A person who is regarded as underhanded and furtive and contemptible.
SNEAK, noun. Someone who prowls or sneaks about; usually with unlawful intentions.
SNEAK, noun. Someone acting as an informer or decoy for the police.
SNEAK, verb. To go stealthily or furtively; "..stead of sneaking around spying on the neighbor's house".
SNEAK, verb. Put, bring, or take in a secretive or furtive manner; "sneak a look"; "sneak a cigarette".
SNEAK, verb. Make off with belongings of others.
SNEAK, verb. Pass on stealthily; "He slipped me the key when nobody was looking".
SNEAK, adjective. Marked by quiet and caution and secrecy; taking pains to avoid being observed; "a furtive manner"; "a sneak attack"; "stealthy footsteps"; "a surreptitious glance at his watch".
Wise words
Words derive their power from the original word.