Associations to the word «Suspicious»
- Biopsy
- Motive
- Circumstance
- Alert
- Distrust
- Glance
- Presley
- Disappearance
- Lesion
- Arson
- Pathologist
- Elvis
- Coroner
- Overly
- Vigilance
- Scowl
- Stranger
- Cruel
- Outsider
- Suspicion
- Behaviour
- Jealousy
- Suspect
- Detective
- Transaction
- Betting
- Spy
- Intention
- Lump
- Policeman
- Autopsy
- Inquest
- Investigator
- Package
- Foreigner
- Surveillance
- Keen
- Intrusion
- Pretence
- Treachery
- Burglary
- Scrutiny
- Police
- Glare
- Fbi
- Reporting
- Culprit
- Behavior
SUSPICIOUS, adjective. Arousing suspicion.
SUSPICIOUS, adjective. Distrustful or tending to suspect.
SUSPICIOUS, adjective. Expressing suspicion
Dictionary definition
SUSPICIOUS, adjective. Openly distrustful and unwilling to confide.
SUSPICIOUS, adjective. Not as expected; "there was something fishy about the accident"; "up to some funny business"; "some definitely queer goings-on"; "a shady deal"; "her motives were suspect"; "suspicious behavior".
Wise words
If you wish to know the mind of a man, listen to his words.