Associations to the word «Roanoke»
- Sr
- Concurrency
- Beaufort
- Quadrangle
- Lafayette
- Affiliate
- Kerr
- Ridge
- Augusta
- Planter
- Ambrose
- Rebel
- Northampton
- Walter
- Cory
- Excursion
- Express
- Uhf
- Giles
- Winchester
- Franklin
- Suffolk
- Steam
- Wise
- Courthouse
- Alabama
- Municipal
- Crossroads
- Transmitter
- Streetcar
- Benson
- Muir
- Tribune
- Turnpike
- Cumberland
- Annexation
- River
- Confederate
- Forge
- Petersburg
- Simulcast
- Rivers
- Lane
- Plantation
- Confluence
- Congressman
- Bristol
- Brill
- Elm
- Bowman
- Locomotive
- Uss
- Interchange
- Tennessee
- Dominion
- Charleston
- Neo
- Avenue
- Cho
- Cove
- Mountain
- Sash
- Settlement
- Weir
- Ram
- Southern
- Monterey
- Franchise
- Mill
- Gorge
- Transportation
- Charlotte
- Fest
- Aa
- Colored
- Mall
ROANOKE, noun. (US) (historical) White beads of low value made from shells, formerly used for ornaments and currency by Native Americans of colonial Virginia.
Dictionary definition
ROANOKE, noun. A city in southwestern Virginia.
Wise words
It is better wither to be silent, or to say things of more
value than silence. Sooner throw a pearl at hazard than an
idle or useless word; and do not say a little in many words,
but a great deal in a few.