Associations to the word «Picking»
- Sack
- Flower
- Galway
- Grub
- Twig
- Cleaning
- Pace
- Flowers
- Carton
- Tempo
- Pile
- Splinter
- Piece
- Cue
- Stick
- Lick
- Chord
- Scent
- Potato
- Gutter
- Planting
- Interception
- Bully
- Loot
- Wiping
- Hop
- Mud
- Item
- Handkerchief
- Buoy
- Hauling
- Chatter
- Bag
- Brush
- Weeds
- Travis
- Stretcher
- Chestnut
- Solo
- Loom
- Cracking
- Mug
- Weaponry
- Flashlight
- Phone
- Snatch
- Goblet
- Scrambling
- Briefcase
- Quarrel
- Guitar
- Scramble
- Chet
- Cider
- Card
- Crease
- Throwing
- Circling
- Tuning
- Scoop
- Chute
- Utensil
- Chicken
- Smiley
- Signal
- Scan
- Injury
- Grower
- Vegetable
- Atkins
- Receiver
- Scraping
- Inning
- Habit
PICKING, verb. Present participle of pick
PICKING, noun. A gathering to pick fruit.
PICKING, noun. (usually pluralized) Items remaining after others have selected the best; scraps, as of food.
PICKING, noun. (usually pluralized) Income or other gains, especially if obtained in a unscrupulous or objectionable manner.
PICKING AND GRINNING, noun. Alternative spelling of pickin' and grinnin'
PICKING OUT, verb. Present participle of pick out
PICKING UP, verb. Present participle of pick up
PICKING UP WHAT SOMEONE IS PUTTING DOWN, verb. Present participle of pick up what someone is putting down
Dictionary definition
PICKING, noun. The quantity of a crop that is harvested; "he sent the first picking of berries to the market"; "it was the biggest peach pick in years".
PICKING, noun. The act of picking (crops or fruit or hops etc.).
Wise words
Truthful words are not beautiful; beautiful words are not
truthful. Good words are not persuasive; persuasive words
are not good.