Associations to the word «Oreo»


OREO, noun. A cookie made up of two black, chocolate wafers joined by a layer of white, sugary filling.
OREO, noun. (US) (mildly pejorative) (slang) A black person that appears to the community to embody the social and cultural features of a white person
OREO COOKIE, noun. (slang) (idiomatic) (mildly pejorative) A black person that appears to the community to embody the social and cultural features of a white person
OREO COOKIE, noun. (slang) (sexual) A threeway involving two black participants and one white participant between them
OREO COOKIES, noun. Plural of Oreo cookie

Dictionary definition

OREO, noun. Chocolate cookie with white cream filling.

Wise words

Abuse of words has been the great instrument of sophistry and chicanery, of party, faction, and division of society.
John Adams