Associations to the word «Neoconservatism»
- Conservatism
- Strauss
- Liberalism
- Irving
- Globalization
- Buchanan
- Ideology
- Neo
- Macdonald
- Leo
- Democracy
- Conservative
- Pm
- Bush
- Economics
- Pat
- Policy
- Anti
- Philosophy
- Doctrine
- Movement
- Critic
- Need
- Opposition
- Influence
- Founder
- Francis
- Jackson
- Right
- Politics
- Left
- Affair
- Us
- Sam
- Israel
- Free
- Theory
- Interest
- Magazine
- Self
- Idea
- Rise
- Tradition
- Administration
- Resource
- America
- Nation
- Market
- Society
- Article
- Term
- Leader
- Call
- Page
- States
- New
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NEOCONSERVATISM, noun. (US) A right wing political movement consisting of former Trotskyists and other former leftists that opposes liberalism in political and economic areas and supports an interventionist foreign policy, particularly in the Middle East.
Dictionary definition
NEOCONSERVATISM, noun. An approach to politics or theology that represents a return to a traditional point of view (in contrast to more liberal or radical schools of thought of the 1960s).
Wise words
Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and
health to the bones.