Associations to the word «Muslim»
- Sunni
- Hindus
- Shia
- Hindu
- Sikh
- Hadith
- Islam
- Jihad
- Mecca
- Quran
- Caliphate
- Sufi
- Islamic
- Islamist
- Mosque
- Imam
- Caliph
- Buddhist
- Mindanao
- Muhammad
- Brotherhood
- Turkic
- Christian
- Hui
- Rajput
- Jewish
- Croat
- Mus
- Subcontinent
- Albanian
- Byzantine
- Serb
- Medina
- Malay
- Allah
- Cham
- Iberia
- Arab
- Cleric
- Khalid
- Kurd
- Sultanate
- Prophet
- Abu
- Arabic
- Mughal
- Minority
- Laden
- Ahmad
- Pilgrimage
- Pakistan
- Jurisprudence
- Orthodox
- Tibetan
- Abd
- Kashmir
- Ul
- Sharif
- Crusader
- Mongol
- Pakistani
- Jews
- Nawab
- Convert
- Jammu
- Conquest
- Hasan
- Jurist
- Ottoman
- Pagan
- Gujarat
- Fasting
- Mirza
- Levant
- Punjab
- Palestine
- Sect
- Sheikh
- Crusade
- Arabia
- Granada
- Musa
MUSLIM, noun. A person who is a follower and believer of Islam.
MUSLIM, adjective. Relating to believers of Islam.
Dictionary definition
MUSLIM, noun. A believer in or follower of Islam.
MUSLIM, adjective. Of or relating to or supporting Islamism; "Islamic art".
Wise words
In words, as fashions, the same rule will hold; Alike
fantastic, if too new, or old: Be not the first by whom the
new are tried, Nor yet the last to lay the old aside.