Associations to the word «Mallard»
- Duck
- Quad
- Heron
- Ana
- Goose
- Kingfisher
- Pheasant
- Quail
- Blackbird
- Gull
- Swan
- Osprey
- Pelican
- Mariana
- Trevor
- Plumage
- Tundra
- Partridge
- Woodpecker
- Drake
- Decatur
- Bunting
- Stork
- Warbler
- Hybrid
- Cinnamon
- Ppm
- Maverick
- Examiner
- Wetland
- Sax
- Seaplane
- Basic
- Tern
- Rouen
- Abby
- Pond
- Hen
- Bird
- Tit
- Mph
- Landfill
- Gibbs
- Fowl
- Doncaster
- Wren
- Starling
- Owl
- Locomotive
- Otter
- Slough
- Marsh
- Donald
- Wichita
- Masterpiece
- Catfish
- Harrier
- Clade
- Hawk
- Breed
- Squirrel
- Deer
- Nigel
- Glider
- Oiler
- Subspecies
- Falcon
- Autopsy
- Red
- Granny
- Pigeon
MALLARD, noun. A common and widespread dabbling duck, Anas platyrhynchos, whose male has a distinctive dark green head.
Dictionary definition
MALLARD, noun. Wild dabbling duck from which domestic ducks are descended; widely distributed.
Wise words
Every day we should hear at least one little song, read one
good poem, see one exquisite picture, and, if possible,
speak a few sensible words.