Associations to the word «Lager»


LAGER, noun. A type of beer, brewed using a bottom-fermenting yeast.
LAGER, noun. Alternative spelling of laager
LAGER LOUT, noun. (British) A person (especially a young male) who behaves in a violent manner when drunk.
LAGER LOUTS, noun. Plural of lager lout
LAGER TOP, noun. (UK) A shandy made from lager topped up with lemonade or lime juice.
LAGER TOPS, noun. Plural of lager top

Dictionary definition

LAGER, noun. A camp defended by a circular formation of wagons.
LAGER, noun. A general term for beer made with bottom fermenting yeast (usually by decoction mashing); originally it was brewed in March or April and matured until September.

Wise words

In words are seen the state of mind and character and disposition of the speaker.