Associations to the word «Kingwood»
- Milford
- Houston
- Annexation
- Preston
- Bethlehem
- Alexandria
- Perpetrator
- Delaware
- Township
- Woodland
- Texas
- Holland
- Virginia
- Northeast
- Robbery
- Montgomery
- Stable
- Jersey
- Congressman
- Harris
- Resident
- Borough
- High
- Chronicle
- Grade
- Franklin
- Suburb
- Fm
- Railroad
- Community
- Opening
- Portion
- Cemetery
- Tunnel
- Park
- Road
- Neighborhood
- School
- Lake
- Route
- Mayor
- Trail
- County
- Spring
- Valley
- Ohio
- Wood
- Student
- Crime
- Usa
- City
- Center
- Serve
- Middle
- Representative
- Creek
- Branch
- College
- Location
- District
- Master
- Area
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KINGWOOD, noun. Dalbergia cearensis, a Brazilian tree having a violet-brown, hard texture.
KINGWOOD, noun. (uncountable) The wood of this tree, used in cabinetmaking.
Dictionary definition
KINGWOOD, noun. Handsome violet-streaked wood of the kingwood tree; used especially in cabinetwork.
KINGWOOD, noun. Brazilian tree yielding a handsome cabinet wood.
Wise words
Words - so innocent and powerless as they are, as standing
in a dictionary, how potent for good and evil they become in
the hands of one who knows how to combine them.