Associations to the word «Falls»


FALL, verb. (heading) (intransitive) To move downwards.
FALL, verb. To move to a lower position under the effect of gravity.
FALL, verb. To come down, to drop or descend.
FALL, verb. To come to the ground deliberately, to prostrate oneself.
FALL, verb. To be brought to the ground.
FALL, verb. (transitive) To be moved downwards.
FALL, verb. (obsolete) To let fall; to drop.
FALL, verb. (obsolete) To sink; to depress.
FALL, verb. (UK) (US) (dialect) (archaic) To fell; to cut down.
FALL, verb. (intransitive) To happen, to change negatively.
FALL, verb. (copulative) To become.
FALL, verb. To occur (on a certain day of the week, date, or similar); said of an instance of a recurring event such as a holiday or date.
FALL, verb. (intransitive) To collapse; to be overthrown or defeated.
FALL, verb. (intransitive) (formal) (euphemistic) To die, especially in battle or by disease.
FALL, verb. (intransitive) To become lower (in quantity, pitch, etc.).
FALL, verb. (followed by a determining word or phrase) To become; to be affected by or befallen with a calamity; to change into the state described by words following; to become prostrated literally or figuratively (see Usage notes below).
FALL, verb. (transitive) To be allotted to; to arrive through chance, fate, or inheritance.
FALL, verb. (transitive) (obsolete) To diminish; to lessen or lower.
FALL, verb. (transitive) (obsolete) To bring forth.
FALL, verb. (intransitive) (obsolete) To issue forth into life; to be brought forth; said of the young of certain animals.
FALL, verb. To descend in character or reputation; to become degraded; to sink into vice, error, or sin.
FALL, verb. To become ensnared or entrapped; to be worse off than before.
FALL, verb. To assume a look of shame or disappointment; to become or appear dejected; said of the face.
FALL, verb. To happen; to come to pass; to chance or light (upon).
FALL, verb. To begin with haste, ardour, or vehemence; to rush or hurry.
FALL, verb. To be dropped or uttered carelessly.
FALL, noun. The act of moving to a lower position under the effect of gravity.
FALL, noun. A reduction in quantity, pitch, etc.
FALL, noun. (chiefly North America) (obsolete elsewhere) (from the falling of leaves during this season) The time of the year when the leaves typically fall from the trees; autumn; the season of the year between the autumnal equinox and the winter solstice. [from 16th c.]
FALL, noun. A loss of greatness or status.
FALL, noun. (sport) A crucial event or circumstance.
FALL, noun. (cricket) (of a wicket) The action of a batsman being out.
FALL, noun. (curling) A defect in the ice which causes stones thrown into an area to drift in a given direction.
FALL, noun. (wrestling) An instance of a wrestler being pinned to the mat.
FALL, noun. A hairpiece for women consisting of long strands of hair on a woven backing, intended primarily to cover hair loss.
FALL, noun. (informal) (US) Blame or punishment for a failure or misdeed.
FALL, noun. The part of the rope of a tackle to which the power is applied in hoisting.
FALL, noun. See falls
FALL, noun. An old Scots unit of measure equal to six ells.
FALL, proper noun. (theology) The sudden fall of humanity into a state of sin, as brought about by the transgression of Adam and Eve. [from 14th c.]
FALL ABOARD OF, verb. (nautical) To strike (the side of another ship).
FALL ABOUT, verb. To laugh so much that one's entire body moves somewhat uncontrollably.
FALL ABOUT THE PLACE, verb. (idiomatic) (intransitive) to laugh uncontrollably
FALL APART, verb. (intransitive) To disintegrate.
FALL APART, verb. (idiomatic) To be emotionally in crisis.
FALL ASLEEP, verb. To pass from a state of wakefulness into sleep.
FALL ASLEEP, verb. To be affected by paresthesia.
FALL ASLEEP, verb. (poetic) (euphemistic) To die (often seen on gravestones).
FALL AT THE FINAL HURDLE, verb. Alternative form of fall at the last hurdle
FALL AT THE LAST HURDLE, verb. (idiomatic) To fail near the end of something.
FALL AWAY, verb. (intransitive) To cease to support a person or cause.
FALL AWAY, verb. To get worse.
FALL AWAY, verb. To diminish in size or weight.
FALL AWAY, verb. To diminish in intensity.
FALL AWAY, verb. To perish; to vanish; to be lost.
FALL BACK, verb. To retreat.
FALL BACK, verb. To fail to fulfil a promise or purpose.
FALL BACK ON, verb. (transitive) To turn to as a substitute.
FALL BACK UPON, verb. (transitive) To fall back on.
FALL BEHIND, verb. Used other than as an idiom: see fall,‎ behind.
FALL BEHIND, verb. (idiomatic) (intransitive) To be late (for a regular event)
FALL BEHIND, verb. (intransitive) To be progressively below average in performance.
FALL BETWEEN THE CRACKS, verb. (idiomatic) To wind up in an unexpected situation which is, inadvertently, invisible to or not handled by whatever process one had hoped to be subject to; to be overlooked.
FALL BETWEEN TWO STOOLS, verb. (idiomatic) (of tasks, issues, problems) To fit into neither of two categories and, hence, be neglected or fail.
FALL BETWEEN TWO STOOLS, verb. (idiomatic) To attempt two roles and fail at both, when either could have been accomplished singly.
FALL BY THE WAYSIDE, verb. (idiomatic) To fail to be completed, particularly for lack of interest; to be left out.
FALL CLASSIC, noun. (baseball) The World Series.
FALL CLASSICS, noun. Plural of fall classic
FALL DOWN, verb. To fall to the ground.
FALL DOWN, verb. To collapse.
FALL DOWN, verb. (nautical) To sail or drift toward the mouth of a river or other outlet.
FALL DUE, verb. (of a debt, loan, rent etc.) to reach its due date for payment, or repayment.
FALL DUE, verb. (insurance, lease etc.) to reach the date for renewal.
FALL DWINDLE DISEASE, noun. Colony collapse disorder
FALL FLAT, verb. To produce no effect; to fail in the intended effect.
FALL FOR, verb. (idiomatic) To be fooled; to walk into a trap or respond to a scam or trick.
FALL FOR, verb. (idiomatic) To fall in love with someone.
FALL FOUL, verb. (idiomatic) (archaic) To collide; to conflict with; to attack (+ on, of, upon)
FALL FOUL, verb. (idiomatic) To be defeated or thwarted (by); to suffer ( + of)
FALL FOUL OF, verb. (nautical) To fall aboard of.
FALL FROM GRACE, noun. The loss of one's current social position, prestige, status, power, etc.
FALL FROM GRACE, verb. (Christianity) To lose God's favour through sins or wrongdoings.
FALL FROM GRACE, verb. (figuratively) (idiomatic) To fall from one's current social position to something lower, to lose one's prestige, status or power.
FALL GUY, noun. One who is gullible and easily duped
FALL GUY, noun. Scapegoat
FALL HOME, verb. (shipbuilding) To curve inward; said of the timbers or upper parts of a ship's side which are much within a perpendicular.
FALL ILL, verb. To become ill; to sicken
FALL IN, verb. (intransitive) To collapse inwards.
FALL IN, verb. (intransitive) (military) Of a soldier, to get into position in a rank.
FALL IN, verb. To come to an end; to terminate; to lapse.
FALL IN, verb. To become operative.
FALL IN LINE, verb. (idiomatic) To submit to the rules of a higher authority; obey; conform.
FALL IN LOVE, verb. (intransitive) (of a person) (animate object following “with”) To come to have feelings of love directed at another person or a thing.
FALL IN LOVE, verb. (intransitive) (reciprocal) To come to have feelings of love towards each other.
FALL IN LOVE, verb. (intransitive) (of a person) (inanimate object following “with”) To come to have feelings of intense liking directed at another person or a thing.
FALL IN WITH, verb. To join (a group of people).
FALL IN WITH, verb. To meet with (something).
FALL IN WITH, verb. To accept (a set of generally agreed rules, or a suggestion).
FALL INTO, verb. (transitive) To go into something by falling.
FALL INTO, verb. (idiomatic) (transitive) To enter something (especially a profession) without having planned it.
FALL INTO, verb. (idiomatic) (transitive) To be classified as; to fall under.
FALL INTO ONE'S LAP, verb. (idiomatic) Of something desirable, to be received by someone with little or no effort or by chance
FALL INTO PLACE, verb. (idiomatic) To assume a clear and complete form when separate elements come together; to be realised.
FALL INTO THE WRONG HANDS, verb. (idiomatic) To be discovered by an unfriendly third party.
FALL LINE, noun. (geomorphology) A geomorphologic unconformity marking a boundary between an upland region and a plane; sometimes marked by a series of waterfalls on rivers that cross it.
FALL LINE, noun. (snowboarding) The imaginary line downhill that something falling downhill would naturally follow.
FALL LINES, noun. Plural of fall line
FALL OF WICKET, noun. (cricket) The side's total score when a particular batsman was out.
FALL OFF, verb. (transitive and intransitive) To become detached or to drop from.
FALL OFF, verb. (intransitive) To diminish in size, value etc.
FALL OFF, verb. (nautical) To change the direction of the sail so as to point in a direction that is more down wind; to bring the bow leeward.
FALL OFF A TRUCK, verb. (idiomatic) (US) (euphemistic) Of an item of merchandise, to come into a person's possession without having been paid for; to be acquired illegally.
FALL OFF THE BACK OF A LORRY, verb. (idiomatic) (British) (euphemistic) Of an item of merchandise, to come into a person's possession without having been paid for; to have been acquired illegally.
FALL OFF THE BACK OF A TRUCK, verb. (idiomatic) (AU) (euphemistic) Of an item of merchandise, to come into a person's possession without having been paid for; to have been acquired illegally.
FALL OFF THE TURNIP TRUCK, verb. (chiefly US) (idiomatic) To be naive, uninformed, or unsophisticated, in the manner of a rustic person.
FALL OFF THE WAGON, verb. (idiomatic) To cease or fail at a regimen of self-improvement or reform; to lapse back into an old habit or addiction.
FALL ON, verb. To experience; to suffer; to fall upon.
FALL ON DEAF EARS, verb. (idiomatic) Of a request, complaint, statement, etc, to be ignored.
FALL ON HARD TIMES, verb. (idiom) to experience difficult times, especially financially
FALL ON ONE'S FACE, verb. (idiomatic) To fail, especially in a dramatic or particularly decisive manner.
FALL ON ONE'S FEET, verb. Alternative form of land on one's feet
FALL ON ONE'S SWORD, verb. Used other than as an idiom: see To commit suicide by allowing one’s body to drop onto the point of one's sword.
FALL ON ONE'S SWORD, verb. (idiomatic) (by extension) To resign from a job or other position of responsibility, especially when pressured to do so.
FALL ON ONE'S SWORD, verb. (idiomatic) To voluntarily take the blame for a situation.
FALL ON SOMEONE'S NECK, verb. (dated) (idiomatic) To embrace someone affectionately or thankfully.
FALL OUT, verb. (literally) To come out of something by falling.
FALL OUT, verb. (intransitive) (idiomatic) To cease to be on friendly terms.
FALL OUT, verb. (military) (intransitive)
FALL OUT, verb. (literally) to leave one's place in the current formation of ranks in order to take one's place in a new formation.
FALL OUT, verb. (figuratively) To leave one's current location to report for duty at a new location.
FALL OUT, verb. (dialect) (intransitive) To pass out.
FALL OUT, verb. (dated) To turn out, happen.
FALL OVER, verb. (intransitive) (idiomatic) To fall from an upright or standing position to a horizontal or prone position.
FALL OVER, verb. (intransitive) (idiomatic) Of an argument, to fail to be valid.
FALL OVER, verb. (intransitive) (idiomatic) (informal) (computing) Of a computer program or system, to crash.
FALL OVER ONE'S FEET, verb. To hasten.
FALL OVER ONESELF, verb. To be unusually enthusiastic.
FALL PREGNANT, verb. (intransitive) (formal or literary) To become pregnant.
FALL PREY, verb. To be affected, or overcome by a bad situation.
FALL RIVER, proper noun. A city in Massachusetts, United States
FALL SHORT, verb. (idiomatic) to be less satisfactory than expected; to be inadequate or insufficient
FALL STREAKS, noun. Alternative form of fallstreak
FALL SUPPER, noun. (Canada) An autumn fundraising dinner held by a community or church; fowl supper.
FALL THROUGH, verb. (intransitive) (idiomatic) To be unsuccessful, abort, come to nothing/naught; to be cancelled; not to proceed.
FALL THROUGH THE CRACKS, verb. (idiomatic) to be missed; to escape the necessary notice or attention
FALL TO, verb. (intransitive) (dated) To enter into or begin an activity, especially with enthusiasm or commitment and especially in regard to the activities of eating or drinking.
FALL TO BITS, verb. (idiomatic) To fall apart
FALL TO ONE'S LOT, verb. (intransitive) (dated) To be destined to happen to someone or to fall in someone's possession.
FALL TO PIECES, verb. (idiomatic) To be emotionally devastated; to break down.
FALL TOGETHER, verb. (intransitive) (obsolete) To close (of the eyes).
FALL TOGETHER, verb. (intransitive) (obsolete) To contract.
FALL UNDER, verb. (transitive) To belong to for purposes of categorization.
FALL UPON, verb. To fall on; to experience; to suffer.
FALL UPON SOMEBODY'S NECK, verb. Alternative form of fall on someone's neck
FALL UPON SOMEONE'S NECK, verb. Alternative form of fall on someone's neck
FALL VICTIM, verb. (idiom) (intransitive) to suffer as a result of external circumstances or someone else's actions
FALL WEBWORM, noun. Hyphantria cunea, a moth in the family Arctiidae known principally for its larval stage, which creates characteristic webbed nests on a wide variety of hardwood trees in the late summer and fall.
FALL WIND, noun. A katabatic wind.
FALL WINDS, noun. Plural of fall wind

Dictionary definition

FALL, noun. The season when the leaves fall from the trees; "in the fall of 1973".
FALL, noun. A sudden drop from an upright position; "he had a nasty spill on the ice".
FALL, noun. The lapse of mankind into sinfulness because of the sin of Adam and Eve; "women have been blamed ever since the Fall".
FALL, noun. A downward slope or bend.
FALL, noun. A lapse into sin; a loss of innocence or of chastity; "a fall from virtue".
FALL, noun. A sudden decline in strength or number or importance; "the fall of the House of Hapsburg".
FALL, noun. A movement downward; "the rise and fall of the tides".
FALL, noun. The act of surrendering (usually under agreed conditions); "they were protected until the capitulation of the fort".
FALL, noun. The time of day immediately following sunset; "he loved the twilight"; "they finished before the fall of night".
FALL, noun. When a wrestler's shoulders are forced to the mat.
FALL, noun. A free and rapid descent by the force of gravity; "it was a miracle that he survived the drop from that height".
FALL, noun. A sudden sharp decrease in some quantity; "a drop of 57 points on the Dow Jones index"; "there was a drop in pressure in the pulmonary artery"; "a dip in prices"; "when that became known the price of their stock went into free fall".
FALL, verb. Descend in free fall under the influence of gravity; "The branch fell from the tree"; "The unfortunate hiker fell into a crevasse".
FALL, verb. Move downward and lower, but not necessarily all the way; "The temperature is going down"; "The barometer is falling"; "The curtain fell on the diva"; "Her hand went up and then fell again".
FALL, verb. Pass suddenly and passively into a state of body or mind; "fall into a trap"; "She fell ill"; "They fell out of favor"; "Fall in love"; "fall asleep"; "fall prey to an imposter"; "fall into a strange way of thinking"; "she fell to pieces after she lost her work".
FALL, verb. Come under, be classified or included; "fall into a category"; "This comes under a new heading".
FALL, verb. Fall from clouds; "rain, snow and sleet were falling"; "Vesuvius precipitated its fiery, destructive rage on Herculaneum".
FALL, verb. Suffer defeat, failure, or ruin; "We must stand or fall"; "fall by the wayside".
FALL, verb. Die, as in battle or in a hunt; "Many soldiers fell at Verdun"; "Several deer have fallen to the same gun"; "The shooting victim fell dead".
FALL, verb. Touch or seem as if touching visually or audibly; "Light fell on her face"; "The sun shone on the fields"; "The light struck the golden necklace"; "A strange sound struck my ears".
FALL, verb. Be captured; "The cities fell to the enemy".
FALL, verb. Occur at a specified time or place; "Christmas falls on a Monday this year"; "The accent falls on the first syllable".
FALL, verb. Decrease in size, extent, or range; "The amount of homework decreased towards the end of the semester"; "The cabin pressure fell dramatically"; "her weight fell to under a hundred pounds"; "his voice fell to a whisper".
FALL, verb. Yield to temptation or sin; "Adam and Eve fell".
FALL, verb. Lose office or power; "The government fell overnight"; "The Qing Dynasty fell with Sun Yat-sen".
FALL, verb. To be given by assignment or distribution; "The most difficult task fell on the youngest member of the team"; "The onus fell on us"; "The pressure to succeed fell on the youngest student".
FALL, verb. Move in a specified direction; "The line of men fall forward".
FALL, verb. Be due; "payments fall on the 1st of the month".
FALL, verb. Lose one's chastity; "a fallen woman".
FALL, verb. To be given by right or inheritance; "The estate fell to the oldest daughter".
FALL, verb. Come into the possession of; "The house accrued to the oldest son".
FALL, verb. Fall to somebody by assignment or lot; "The task fell to me"; "It fell to me to notify the parents of the victims".
FALL, verb. Be inherited by; "The estate fell to my sister"; "The land returned to the family"; "The estate devolved to an heir that everybody had assumed to be dead".
FALL, verb. Slope downward; "The hills around here fall towards the ocean".
FALL, verb. Lose an upright position suddenly; "The vase fell over and the water spilled onto the table"; "Her hair fell across her forehead".
FALL, verb. Drop oneself to a lower or less erect position; "She fell back in her chair"; "He fell to his knees".
FALL, verb. Fall or flow in a certain way; "This dress hangs well"; "Her long black hair flowed down her back".
FALL, verb. Assume a disappointed or sad expression; "Her face fell when she heard that she would be laid off"; "his crest fell".
FALL, verb. Be cast down; "his eyes fell".
FALL, verb. Come out; issue; "silly phrases fell from her mouth".
FALL, verb. Be born, used chiefly of lambs; "The lambs fell in the afternoon".
FALL, verb. Begin vigorously; "The prisoners fell to work right away".
FALL, verb. Go as if by falling; "Grief fell from our hearts".
FALL, verb. Come as if by falling; "Night fell"; "Silence fell".

Wise words

The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do.
Thomas Jefferson