Associations to the word «Disparate»


DISPARATE, adjective. Composed of inherently different or distinct elements; incongruous.
DISPARATE, adjective. Essentially different; of different species, unlike but not opposed in pairs; also, less properly, utterly unlike; incapable of being compared; having no common genus.
DISPARATE, noun. (chiefly in the plural) Any of a group of unequal or dissimilar things.

Dictionary definition

DISPARATE, adjective. Fundamentally different or distinct in quality or kind; "such disparate attractions as grand opera and game fishing"; "disparate ideas".
DISPARATE, adjective. Including markedly dissimilar elements; "a disparate aggregate of creeds and songs and prayers".

Wise words

Words - so innocent and powerless as they are, as standing in a dictionary, how potent for good and evil they become in the hands of one who knows how to combine them.
Nathaniel Hawthorne