Associations to the word «Correctional»
- Louisiana
- Guideline
- Occupancy
- Murder
- Polk
- Illinois
- Portage
- Pow
- Nevada
- Rape
- Defamation
- Narcotic
- Placement
- Weightlifting
- Erie
- Albion
- Defendant
- Indiana
- Encyclopedia
- Quaker
- Alcoholic
- Nebraska
- Conviction
- Connecticut
- Homicide
- Training
- Tribunal
- Greene
- Alabama
- Pretoria
- Litigation
- Sing
- Aids
- Rafter
- Statute
- Agency
- Kentucky
- County
- Minnesota
- Low
- Wyoming
- Crime
- Donovan
- Faye
- Wentworth
- Gilmore
- Colorado
- Jurisdiction
- Walpole
- Oregon
- Aboriginal
- Ohio
- Health
- Shaker
- Addiction
- Pleasant
- Robbery
- Ci
- Webpage
- Counselor
- Police
- Stabilization
- Sandstone
- Sw
- Decatur
- Competency
- Cor
- Surrogate
- Vaughn
- Florence
- Pennsylvania
- Predator
- Pollock
CORRECTIONAL, adjective. Of, pertaining to, or intended for correction.
CORRECTIONAL, adjective. (chiefly US) Of or pertaining to the imprisonment or rehabilitation of convicted criminals.
CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES, noun. Plural of correctional facility
CORRECTIONAL FACILITY, noun. (chiefly US) A prison, reformatory, or similar institution in which people are confined for the purpose of punishment and/or social rehabilitation.
CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTIONS, noun. Plural of correctional institution
CORRECTIONAL OFFICER, noun. Alternative form of corrections officer
Dictionary definition
CORRECTIONAL, adjective. Concerned with or providing correction; "a correctional institution".
Wise words
The chief difference between words and deeds is that words
are always intended for men for their approbation, but deeds
can be done only for God.