Associations to the word «Consecutive»
- Oriole
- Packer
- Parole
- Finish
- Franchise
- Rushing
- Defeat
- Buckeye
- Cougar
- Platinum
- Pointer
- Trophy
- Reelection
- Finishing
- Quarterfinal
- Nfl
- Aggie
- Olympics
- Integer
- Semifinal
- Tier
- Trojan
- Starter
- Rematch
- Opener
- League
- Overall
- Rebound
- Turnover
- Defenceman
- Tenure
- Wolverine
- Blazer
- Fielder
- Cut
- Pitcher
- Emmy
- Goalscorer
- Wigan
- Celtic
- Powerhouse
- Pitching
- Record
- Champion
- Halftime
- Longhorn
- Appearance
- Lions
- Leinster
- Earning
- Posting
- Goaltender
- Indy
- Afl
- Hit
- Watford
- Shootout
- Cup
- Porto
- Baylor
- Loss
- Geelong
- Digit
- Redskin
- Cork
- Brave
- Single
CONSECUTIVE, adjective. Following, in succession, without interruption
CONSECUTIVE, adjective. Having some logical sequence
CONSECUTIVE, noun. Consecutive interpreting
CONSECUTIVE INTERPRETATION, noun. A type of oral translation from one language into another which is produced after a person has finished speaking and typically with the aid of notetaking.
CONSECUTIVE INTERPRETING, noun. Consecutive interpretation
Dictionary definition
CONSECUTIVE, adverb. In a consecutive manner; "we numbered the papers consecutively".
CONSECUTIVE, adjective. One after the other; "back-to-back home runs".
CONSECUTIVE, adjective. In regular succession without gaps; "serial concerts".
CONSECUTIVE, adjective. Successive (without a break); "sick for five straight days".
Wise words
Words, words, words! They shut one off from the universe.
Three quarters of the time one's never in contact with
things, only with the beastly words that stand for them.