Associations to the word «Conch»


CONCH, noun. A marine gastropod of the family Strombidae which lives in its own spiral shell.
CONCH, noun. The shell of this sea animal.
CONCH, noun. A musical instrument made from a large spiral seashell.
CONCH, noun. A machine (rather like a rotating pestle and mortar) used to develop the flavour and texture of chocolate by warming and grinding; a concher or concher machine.
CONCH, verb. To refine the flavour and texture of chocolate by warming and grinding, either in a traditional concher, or between rollers.
CONCH, verb. To play a conch seashell as a musical instrument, by blowing through a hole made close to the origin of the spiral.

Dictionary definition

CONCH, noun. Any of various edible tropical marine gastropods of the genus Strombus having a brightly-colored spiral shell with large outer lip.

Wise words

Words, words, words! They shut one off from the universe. Three quarters of the time one's never in contact with things, only with the beastly words that stand for them.
Aldous Huxley