Associations to the word «Coaster»
- Mack
- Barge
- Comet
- Rink
- Pier
- Mouse
- Upside
- Dominion
- Stunt
- Inferno
- Tilt
- Commuter
- Plunge
- Friction
- Train
- Toro
- Midway
- Slide
- Wildfire
- Yarmouth
- Express
- Mph
- Disney
- Rocky
- Wildcat
- Tornado
- Python
- Sprinter
- Chaser
- Throttle
- Designer
- Twist
- Everest
- Walt
- Simulator
- Tug
- Fireball
- Rabbit
- Surf
- Flashback
- Oblivion
- Hulk
- Cars
- Gravity
- Euro
- Nitro
- Carnival
- Ltd
- Clermont
- Dutchman
- Theme
- Orlando
- Classic
- Wheel
- Gadget
- Millennium
- Condor
- Poll
- Hades
- Swarm
- Streak
- Hotspur
- Pavilion
- Outlaw
- Swing
- Splash
- Acceleration
- Resort
- Schooner
- Sled
- Thunder
- Gondola
COASTER, noun. Agent noun of coast: one who coasts.
COASTER, noun. Something that coasts, such as a sled or toboggan.
COASTER, noun. (nautical) A merchant vessel that stays in coastal waters.
COASTER, noun. (nautical) A sailor who travels only in coastal waters.
COASTER, noun. A person who originates from or inhabits a coastal area.
COASTER, noun. A small piece of material used to protect the surface of a table, upon which one places cups or mugs.
COASTER, noun. A small tray on wheels, used to pass something around a table.
COASTER, noun. (computing) (slang) A worthless compact disc or DVD, such as one that was burned incorrectly.
COASTER, noun. (informal) A rollercoaster.
COASTER, noun. (Lake Superior) A coaster trout (brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis)
COASTER BRAKE, noun. A special rear hub for a bicycle that functions as a brake when the user pedals backwards, and which allows the bicycle to roll without forcing the pedals to turn.
COASTER BRAKES, noun. Plural of coaster brake
Dictionary definition
COASTER, noun. A resident of a coastal area.
COASTER, noun. Someone who coasts.
COASTER, noun. A covering (plate or mat) that protects the surface of a table (i.e., from the condensation on a cold glass or bottle).
Wise words
One merit of poetry few persons will deny: it says more and
in fewer words than prose.