Associations to the word «Clew»

Pictures for the word «Clew»


CLEW, noun. (obsolete) A roughly spherical mass or body.
CLEW, noun. (archaic) A ball of thread or yarn.
CLEW, noun. Yarn or thread as used to guide one's way through a maze or labyrinth; a guide, a clue.
CLEW, noun. (nautical) The lower corner(s) of a sail to which a sheet is attached for trimming the sail (adjusting its position relative to the wind); the metal loop or cringle in the corner of the sail, to which the sheet is attached. On a triangular sail, the clew is the trailing corner relative to the wind direction.
CLEW, noun. (in the plural) The sheets so attached to a sail.
CLEW, noun. (nautical) (in the plural) The cords suspending a hammock.
CLEW, noun. Archaic form of clue.
CLEW, verb. (transitive) to roll into a ball
CLEW, verb. (nautical) (transitive and intransitive) to raise the lower corner(s) of (a sail)
CLEW LINE, noun. (sailing) Alternative spelling of clewline

Dictionary definition

CLEW, noun. A ball of yarn or cord or thread.
CLEW, noun. Evidence that helps to solve a problem.
CLEW, verb. Roll into a ball.

Wise words

A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery