Associations to the word «Julia»
- Tiberius
- Raul
- Gaius
- Rudd
- Sweeney
- Fanny
- Roberts
- Howe
- Mckenzie
- Augustus
- Alvarez
- Cookbook
- Marlowe
- Debra
- Cornelia
- Lex
- Donaldson
- Pompey
- Waters
- Luce
- Faye
- Angus
- Gardiner
- Duffy
- Lucius
- Antonia
- Julie
- Claudius
- Caesar
- Cameron
- Lacey
- Romeo
- Julius
- Lennon
- Hogan
- Augusta
- Erin
- Somerville
- Aunt
- Bertram
- Alba
- Granddaughter
- Married
- Vargas
- Cade
- Vanessa
- Caroline
- Frances
- Adultery
- Crosby
- Quentin
- Geraldine
- Elaine
- Middleton
- Olivia
- Mcnamara
- Willard
- Chef
- Wainwright
- Lillian
- Niece
- Abbott
- Harriet
- Claudia
- Anna
- Juliet
- Mimi
- Margaret
- Sulla
- Lena
- Sadie
- Annette
- Gaston
- Causeway
- Actress
- Morley
- Daughter
- Rosalind
- Barrett
- Marilyn
- Edna
- Bronson
- Louisa
- Garner
- Hearst
- Megan
- Peyton
- Angelina
- Erica
- Stephanie
- Simone
- Clifford
- Nero
- Huxley
JULIA, proper noun. A female given name.
JULIA, proper noun. (astronomy) Short for 89 Julia, a main belt asteroid; named for Saint Julia of Corsica.
JULIA SET, noun. In the mathematical context of complex dynamics, a set consisting of values generated by a mathematical function such that an arbitrarily small perturbation can cause drastic changes in the sequence of iterated function values.
JULIA SETS, noun. Plural of Julia set
Wise words
One merit of poetry few persons will deny: it says more and
in fewer words than prose.