Associations to the word «Canticles»
- Psalm
- Simeon
- Hymn
- Scarborough
- Liturgy
- Chant
- Ode
- Cantata
- Testament
- Collect
- Recitation
- Scripture
- Lent
- Chanting
- Praise
- Fiat
- Prayer
- Epistle
- Bridegroom
- Blackwood
- Luke
- Inferno
- Commentary
- Zachary
- Choir
- Gospel
- Stanza
- Thanksgiving
- Setting
- Moses
- Homo
- Spiritual
- Grail
- Tenor
- Gloria
- Dante
- Harp
- Feast
- Holy
- Domino
- Verse
- Virgin
- Te
- Sing
- Soloist
- Canon
- Miller
- Chorus
- Spouse
- Fair
- Francis
- Cosmos
- Luther
- Walter
- Singing
- Bach
- Sun
- Concerto
- Melody
- Bride
- Bible
- Augustine
- Lesson
- Judith
- Anthem
- Sermon
- Christ
- Communion
- Poem
- Pius
- Text
- Devotion
- Imagery
- Divine
CANTICLE, noun. A chant, hymn or song, especially a nonmetrical one, with words from a biblical text
CANTICLE OF CANTICLES, proper noun. (biblical) The Song of Solomon.
Dictionary definition
CANTICLE, noun. A hymn derived from the Bible.
Wise words
Abuse of words has been the great instrument of sophistry
and chicanery, of party, faction, and division of society.