Associations to the word «Campfire»
- Ember
- Camper
- Campsite
- Camping
- Renie
- Cooking
- Encampment
- Canoeing
- Grill
- Glow
- Skit
- Tent
- Hike
- Oven
- Smoke
- Flicker
- Scouting
- Stove
- Scout
- Archery
- Malwa
- Flame
- Gypsy
- Picnic
- Blanket
- Shadow
- Yarn
- Gleam
- Tracker
- Spark
- Favourite
- Dung
- Warmth
- Cairn
- Caravan
- Pug
- Kettle
- Popular
- Tiny
- Cowboy
- Perimeter
- Tale
- Chasm
- Sentry
- Stew
- Supper
- Camp
- Darkness
- Kelvin
- Burning
- Ash
- Ethel
- Spit
Pictures for the word «Campfire»
CAMPFIRE, noun. Fire at a campground or on a camping trip, often used for cooking, to provide light and heat, to drive away bugs, and as a focal point for sitting around in the evening and talking, telling stories, and singing.
Dictionary definition
CAMPFIRE, noun. A small outdoor fire for warmth or cooking (as at a camp).
Wise words
Speak clearly, if you speak at all; carve every word before
you let it fall.