Associations to the word «Bulgarian»
- Assyrian
- Boniface
- Minority
- Historiography
- Swede
- Chechen
- Communist
- English
- Swiss
- Hindi
- Hun
- Jumper
- Athos
- Mongolian
- Vietnamese
- Latin
- Mongol
- Jewish
- Nsa
- Syrian
- Volleyball
- Socialist
- Pole
- Orpheus
- Crusader
- Chronicler
- Crimea
- Cossack
- Grandmaster
- Irish
- Antarctica
- Yiddish
- Helsinki
- Steppe
- Czar
- Northeast
- Knoll
- Marin
- Soviet
- Revival
- Banknote
- Livingston
- Kurd
- Shetland
- Emigrant
- Armistice
- Regency
- Kazakh
- Venetian
- Language
- Synod
- Moravia
- Southwest
- Envoy
- Khan
- Ethnic
- Glad
- Moldova
- Phonology
- Rosen
- Mandarin
- Citizenship
- Malayalam
- Mercenary
- Bosnia
- Bloc
- Leo
BULGARIAN, adjective. Relating to Bulgaria, its people, or the Bulgarian language.
BULGARIAN, noun. A native of Bulgaria.
BULGARIAN, proper noun. The official language of Bulgaria.
BULGARIAN HOUND, noun. A breed of scenthound originating in Bulgaria
BULGARIAN HOUNDS, noun. Plural of Bulgarian Hound
Dictionary definition
BULGARIAN, noun. A native or inhabitant of Bulgaria.
BULGARIAN, noun. A Slavic language spoken in Bulgaria.
BULGARIAN, adjective. Of or relating to or characteristic of Bulgaria or its people; "the Bulgarian capital is Sofia".
Wise words
One merit of poetry few persons will deny: it says more and
in fewer words than prose.