Associations to the word «Babbage»
- Ada
- Calculator
- Minneapolis
- Minnesota
- Charles
- Cipher
- Mathematician
- Bromley
- Computing
- Somerville
- Byron
- Ninth
- Peacock
- Inventor
- Programmer
- Engine
- Loom
- Institute
- Padua
- Parson
- Wilfred
- Forerunner
- Everest
- Computer
- Eminence
- Neumann
- Burroughs
- Treatise
- Computation
- Calculation
- Mallory
- Difference
- Machine
- Machinery
- Luigi
- Brewster
- Pioneer
- Clement
- Interview
- Calculus
- Notation
- Sterling
- Ibm
- Lexington
- Auditor
- Benjamin
- Radical
- Invention
- Crater
- Manufacture
- Augustus
- Tutor
- Lords
- Algorithm
- Chambers
- Mathematics
- Bacon
- Mathematic
- Contemporary
- Newton
- Adventures
- Cambridge
- University
- Reprint
- Gibson
- Philosopher
- Printing
- Economist
- Stuart
- Countess
- Printer
- Engineer
- Constant
- Darwin
Wise words
Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings