Associations to the word «Lexington»
- Concord
- Kentucky
- Fayette
- Ky
- Transylvania
- Saratoga
- Louisville
- Bluegrass
- Bunker
- Avenue
- Thoroughbred
- Barbecue
- Wildcat
- Md
- Subway
- Herald
- Massachusetts
- Calvert
- Uss
- Wentworth
- Arlington
- Lafayette
- Buena
- Missouri
- Gage
- Militia
- Virginia
- Manhattan
- Hancock
- Pensacola
- Armory
- Lex
- Broadway
- Roanoke
- Knoxville
- Racetrack
- Courthouse
- Steele
- Turnpike
- Fulton
- Dunbar
- Midway
- Stallion
- Myrtle
- Belmont
- Skirmish
- Cincinnati
- Coral
- Harlem
- Carolina
- Bloomington
- Somerville
- Ma
- Breeder
- Davidson
- Ave
- Sire
- Chattanooga
- Bedford
- Carrier
- Racehorse
- Acton
- Triad
- Georgetown
- Williamsburg
- Winchester
- Mcconnell
- Salem
- Greyhound
- Gunboat
- Richmond
- Burlington
- Christi
- Boone
- Greenville
- Purcell
- Heath
- Boston
- Steamboat
- Nc
- Seminary
- Coliseum
- Hemp
- Cw
- Neighborhood
- Douglass
- Tennessee
LEXINGTON, proper noun. Any number of places in the USA, see Wikipedia:Lexington
LEXINGTON, proper noun. The battle of Lexington, one of the first battles in the American Revolutionary War, see Wikipedia:Battles of Lexington and Concord
Dictionary definition
LEXINGTON, noun. Town in eastern Massachusetts near Boston where the first battle of the American Revolution was fought.
LEXINGTON, noun. A city in eastern Kentucky; noted for raising thoroughbred horses.
LEXINGTON, noun. The first battle of the American Revolution (April 19, 1775).
Wise words
Don't use words too big for the subject. Don't say
"infinitely" when you mean "very"; otherwise you'll have no
word left when you want to talk about something really