Associations to the word «Abor»
- Abortion
- Fetus
- Naga
- Pregnancy
- Roe
- Miro
- Brahman
- Childbirth
- Pandit
- Bene
- Viability
- Albanian
- Cheyenne
- Pornography
- Fertility
- Hills
- Wade
- Homosexuality
- Incidence
- Apache
- Counseling
- Pradesh
- Birth
- Cherokee
- Kashmir
- Clinic
- Termination
- Chin
- Tibet
- Tract
- Vatican
- Sion
- Statute
- Expedition
- Divorce
- Restriction
- Islander
- Physician
- Conception
- Delaware
- Privacy
- Practitioner
- Ethics
- Nigeria
- Nepal
- Arizona
- Consent
- Anglo
- Procedure
- Minor
- Provider
- Jews
- Access
- Lanka
- Health
- Debate
- Sex
- Pro
- Issue
- Opposition
- Infection
- Woman
- Decision
- Legislation
- Risk
- India
- Control
- Opponent
- Gender
ABOR, proper noun. (ethnography) A primitive tribe that lives in northern Assam.
ABOR, noun. (ethnography) A member of the Abor tribe.
Dictionary definition
ABOR, noun. Little known Kamarupan languages.
Wise words
Actions speak louder than words.