Associations to the word «Yod»
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YOD, noun. Alternative form of yodh
YOD, noun. (phonetics) A palatal approximant.
YOD, noun. Eye dialect spelling of yard.
YOD COALESCENCE, noun. (phonology) A process in English phonology whereby the clusters , , , and become , , , and , respectively, through mutual assimilation.
YOD COALESCENCE, noun. Alternative form of yod coalescence
YOD COALESCENCE, noun. Alternative form of yod coalescence
YOD DROPPING, noun. (phonology) The elision of the sound [j] in English phonology following other consonantal sounds within the same syllable in certain contexts (e.g. enthusiasm pronounced [ɛnˈθuːziæzəm]).
Wise words
Be generous with kindly words, especially about those who
are absent.