Associations to the word «Weigh»
- Watt
- Width
- Moisture
- Easterly
- Gravity
- Trout
- Whales
- Tortoise
- Launcher
- Grief
- Anchorage
- Infant
- Kennel
- Lump
- Jen
- Breed
- Slumber
- Warbler
- Truss
- Reach
- Whale
- Motive
- Chloride
- Truck
- Sample
- Vanity
- Buoy
- Breadth
- V8
- Slab
- Retort
- Bull
- Stature
- Carton
- Mortar
- Lid
- Lander
- Parcel
- Deceased
- Copper
- Tuna
- Afternoon
- Howitzer
- Merit
- Wash
- Upside
- Birth
- Dread
- Bore
- Coinage
- Pivot
- Shoulder
- Container
- Elephant
- Forearm
- Carbonate
- Cc
- Woodpecker
- Terrier
- Credibility
- Spacecraft
- Fibre
- Filter
- Laptop
- Risk
- Ore
- Burner
- Baseman
- Blaster
- Remorse
- Hopper
WEIGH, verb. (transitive) To determine the weight of an object.
WEIGH, verb. (transitive) Often with "out", to measure a certain amount of something by its weight, e.g. for sale.
WEIGH, verb. (transitive) (figuratively) To determine the intrinsic value or merit of an object, to evaluate.
WEIGH, verb. (intransitive) (figuratively) (obsolete) To judge; to estimate.
WEIGH, verb. (transitive) To consider a subject.
WEIGH, verb. (transitive) To have a certain weight.
WEIGH, verb. (intransitive) To have weight; to be heavy; to press down.
WEIGH, verb. (intransitive) To be considered as important; to have weight in the intellectual balance.
WEIGH, verb. (transitive) (nautical) To raise an anchor free of the seabed.
WEIGH, verb. (intransitive) (nautical) To weigh anchor.
WEIGH, verb. To bear up; to raise; to lift into the air; to swing up.
WEIGH, verb. (obsolete) To consider as worthy of notice; to regard.
WEIGH AGAINST, verb. (idiomatic) To be disadvantageous to someone.
WEIGH ANCHOR, verb. (nautical) To raise the anchor of a ship or boat prior to getting under way.
WEIGH DOWN, verb. To act as a ballast for.
WEIGH DOWN, verb. (idiomatic) To be too much for someone to cope with.
WEIGH IN, verb. (intransitive with an indication of weight) To undergo a weigh-in.
WEIGH IN, verb. (transitive) To subject to a weigh-in.
WEIGH IN, verb. (intransitive) (with "at") To weigh.
WEIGH IN, verb. (intransitive) (idiomatic) To bring in one's weight, metaphorically speaking, to bear on an issue; frequently construed with on or with.
WEIGH STATION, noun. (Canada) (US) A place on the highway where trucks stop to get weighed.
WEIGH UP, verb. To assess a person or situation
Dictionary definition
WEIGH, verb. Have a certain weight.
WEIGH, verb. Show consideration for; take into account; "You must consider her age"; "The judge considered the offender's youth and was lenient".
WEIGH, verb. Determine the weight of; "The butcher weighed the chicken".
WEIGH, verb. Have weight; have import, carry weight; "It does not matter much".
WEIGH, verb. To be oppressive or burdensome; "weigh heavily on the mind", "Something pressed on his mind".
Wise words
The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as
effective as a rightly timed pause.