Associations to the word «Wednesday»
- Argus
- Odin
- Bolton
- Fleetwood
- Norwich
- Trafford
- Fixture
- Vigil
- Week
- Atkinson
- Darlington
- Salford
- Crewe
- Waverley
- Broadcast
- Bournemouth
- Newcastle
- Leicester
- Hooper
- Yorkshire
- Loan
- Holiday
- Chelsea
- Festivity
- Liturgy
- Firework
- Last
- Eviction
- March
- Molding
- Fitzroy
- Ham
- Queens
- Header
- Goalkeeper
- Leap
- Fortnight
- Stoppage
- Striker
- Penance
- Advertiser
- Bury
- Solemnity
- Colchester
- Deadline
- Regular
- Rival
- Schedule
- Semester
- Brighton
- Feast
- Sitcom
- Observance
- Stadium
- Lamont
- Cardiff
- Defeat
- Grady
- Meet
- October
- Gomez
- Lunch
- Signing
- Hump
- February
- Bronx
- Liverpool
- Manchester
- Midfielder
- Alloy
- Plymouth
- Wilkinson
- Ascension
- Abc
- Lottery
- Titanium
- Hawthorn
- Substitute
WEDNESDAY, noun. The fourth day of the week in many religious traditions, and the third day of the week in systems using the ISO 8601 norm; it follows Tuesday and precedes Thursday.
WEDNESDAY, proper noun. (UK) (football) nickname of Sheffield Wednesday of the Football League.
WEDNESDAY, adverb. On Wednesday
WEDNESDAY, noun. Misspelling of Wednesday.
Dictionary definition
WEDNESDAY, noun. The fourth day of the week; the third working day.
Wise words
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a
kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the
smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to
turn a life around.