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Associations to the word «Radix»


RADIX, noun. (linguistics) A primitive word, from which other words may be derived.
RADIX, noun. (biology) A root.
RADIX, noun. (mathematics) The number of distinct symbols used to represent numbers in a particular base, as 10 for decimal.
RADIX, proper noun. A taxonomic genus within the family Lymnaeidae   — several freshwater gastropods.
RADIX COMPLEMENT, noun. The number which, added to the given n-digit number in radix r, results in rn. In binary (r=2), this is the two's complement.
RADIX COMPLEMENTS, noun. Plural of radix complement
RADIX GRAMINIS, noun. The root of couch grass, once used medicinally
RADIX POINT, noun. (mathematics) The character used to separate the integer and fractional part of a number in a digital representation of a number, regardless of the base used.
RADIX SORT, noun. (computing) Any of various sorting algorithms in which items are processed according to the value of each digit or character in turn
RADIX SORTS, noun. Plural of radix sort

Dictionary definition

RADIX, noun. (numeration system) the positive integer that is equivalent to one in the next higher counting place; "10 is the radix of the decimal system".

Wise words

More wisdom is latent in things as they are than in all the words men use.
Antoine De Saint-Exupery