Associations to the word «Queenslander»
- Brisbane
- Queensland
- Maroon
- Courier
- Kangaroo
- Wally
- Gorman
- Weekly
- Selector
- Supplement
- Cf
- Convict
- Sydney
- Premiership
- Wicket
- Suburb
- Referendum
- Australian
- Australia
- Rugby
- Test
- Timber
- Selection
- Wales
- Canadian
- Style
- Editor
- Housing
- Ash
- Carl
- Christmas
- Squad
- Newspaper
- Lewis
- Andrew
- Resident
- Apartment
- Architecture
- Residence
- Regiment
- Tour
- Home
- Photograph
- Article
- Climate
- Battalion
- Captain
- Match
- Young
- Infantry
- Origin
- Player
- Driver
- Henry
- December
- Worker
- Journal
- Series
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QUEENSLANDER, noun. A person from Queensland.
QUEENSLANDER, noun. A house built in an architectural style found in Queensland, that style being wide verandahs around the house and the house raised up on stumps about 2 metres off the ground.
Wise words
Don't use words too big for the subject. Don't say
"infinitely" when you mean "very"; otherwise you'll have no
word left when you want to talk about something really