Associations to the word «Wally»


WALLY, proper noun. A diminutive of the male given names Walter and Wallace.
WALLY, noun. (British) (slang) a fool
WALLY, noun. (colloquial) (London and Essex) a pickled large gherkin or cucumber
WALLY, verb. (colloquial) (obsolete) (Essex) alternate pronunciation (and hence spelling) of value
WALLY WORLD, proper noun. (slang) (pejorative) Wal-Mart
WALLY WORLD, proper noun. A fictional or hypothetical large theme park.

Dictionary definition

WALLY, noun. A silly and inept person; someone who is regarded as stupid.

Wise words

The chief difference between words and deeds is that words are always intended for men for their approbation, but deeds can be done only for God.
Leo Tolstoy